🚀 Automate birthday wishes, purchase confirmations and session start emails

Martin Drapeau
3 February 2021 Features 2 min read

We’ve added new automated tasks! With Activity Messenger, you can now send an email or text message…

  • for Happy Birthday wishes
  • before the first activity of a session
  • after someone purchases a membership or multi-pass in Amilia

Send a Happy Birthday email

You can program Activity Messenger to send a Happy Birthday email to children.

Birthday Wish automations work on all types of lists including Amilia activitiesCSV Uploads and even Master Lists.

You can modify the built-in template and provide an image of your own. With the Canva integration, you can conceive a beautiful email without leaving Activity Messenger.

Send an email before the first class

Activity Messenger already allowed you to program class reminders for Amilia activities. Now, you can program an email for the first class of a session.

Activity Start automations are useful to ask participants to fill in electronic waivers, or remind them about details of the class.

Activity Start automations also work on CSV Uploads and even Master Lists. Activity Messenger will pick up the first activity start date.

Send a purchase confirmation email

If you are using Amilia, Activity Messenger now allows you to program an email or text message to go out after someone purchases a membership or a multi-pass. Useful to point clients to drop-in classes they can book with their multi-pass.

Admin notifications

Recall that when you program an automation, you can CC any admin on emails Activity Messenger sends.

We’ve also added an option to only notify admins. When you toggle that option, your client will not get the email. Use this to notify coaches when someone has registered to their class.

Written by Martin Drapeau Martin is the former CTO of Amilia who for 6 years helped to build the company’s product, technology and team from 15 to 110 people.

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