How to create a Liability Waiver for Soccer (with template)

Olivier Rousseau
15 August 2024 Soccer 2 min read

This guide will walk you through the process of creating a soccer liability waiver using a simple, customizable template that can be integrated with your existing registration process or used independently.

  1. Manage online liability waivers for Soccer Lessons
  2. Customize your waivers
  3. Include a digital signature on your Soccer Academy Liability form
  4. Integrate with Soccer Management Software (SportEngine, Amilia, Uplifter, Activity Messenger etc)
  5. Tips on ensuring higher completion rates for Soccer liability waivers

Activity Messenger is a Modern Soccer Management Platform for clubs and academies across the US and Canada. Book a demo to learn more.

Manage Online Liability Waivers for Soccer Lessons

Managing waivers online simplifies the process for both you and the participants. With the right liability waiver tool, you can create a seamless experience where waivers are signed digitally, eliminating the need for paper forms. This system is particularly beneficial for soccer academies, camps, and clubs that require participants to complete waivers before engaging in activities.

This can be done in 3 easy steps

  1. Create an online liability waiver form using an online tool (Activity Messenger, SmartWaiver, WaiverForever etc)
  2. Select the information the player and his guardians will need to complete (name, address, age, etc.)
  3. Add your soccer club’s or Academy’s terms and conditions, along with a section for a digital signature.


Looking for a modern soccer management software? Here is a list of the 6 top Soccer Management Software on the market.

Customize your liability waiver

Using Activity Messenger, you can easily customize your soccer liability waiver to fit your brand. The platform integrates with Canva, allowing you to design waivers that reflect your organization’s identity.

You can add text fields for important legal disclaimers, personal information fields for participants and guardians, and toggle fields to collect specific details. Additionally, you can copy and paste existing liability statements into the waiver form.

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Include a digital signature on your Soccer Lesson Liability form

To ensure the legal validity of your waiver, include a digital signature field. Participants or their guardians can sign electronically, providing consent to the terms outlined in the waiver.

This step is crucial as it affirms their understanding and acceptance of the risks involved in attending you soccer camps or clinic.

Include a digital signature on your Soccer Lesson Liability form



Integrate liability waivers with Soccer Management Software

Seamless integration with your Soccer Academy Software

Activity Messenger can act as an add-on to Soccer Academy like Jackrabbit, IclassPro, and Uplifter. This allows you to collect waivers independent of the registration process.

Digital waivers integrated with your class management system

For example, when collecting waivers for birthday parties, free trials, and drop-ins, players don’t need to create an account. They can simply scan a QR code and quickly sign waivers on their smartphones.

Waiver management for Soccer Clubs

Managing waivers efficiently is essential. With the right tool to monitor waiver completion rates, send reminders, and ensure that all necessary documents are signed before any activity begins. Activity Messener’s user-friendly interface allows you to view waiver status in real-time, making it easier to keep track of compliance.

Replace Smartwaiver, WaiverForever and Docusign

While popular options like Smartwaiver, WaiverForever, and DocuSign offer basic waiver management features, Activity Messenger provides a solution tailored specifically for soccer organizations. With additional features like SMS and email reminders, branded forms, and full integration with your soccer management software, it’s an all-in-one tool that meets the unique needs of soccer academies and clubs.

Replace Smartwaiver, WaiverForever and Docusign

Send Email/SMS reminders

To improve waiver completion rates, use Activity Messenger’s built-in communication tools. You can send email or SMS reminders to players who haven’t completed their waivers. This feature is especially useful when managing large groups or during events, as it automates the follow-up process.

Tips on ensuring higher completion rates for Soccer liability waivers

Imagine a parent signing up for your soccer academy’s free trial or tryouts. They simply scan a QR code, fill in their information, review the terms and conditions, and digitally sign.

They immediately receive a confirmation email with a PDF copy, and so do you.

Lets make liability waivers easy

Here are 3 ways to make collecting waivers easier:

  • Make It Mobile-Friendly: Most participants will fill out waivers on their phones. Ensure your waiver forms are mobile-optimized.
  • Use QR Codes: For events, provide a QR code that links directly to the waiver form. This makes it easy for participants to complete the waiver on-site.
  • Automate Follow-Ups: Use the automated follow-up feature to send reminders to those who haven’t signed the waiver.

Tips on ensuring higher completion rates for Soccer liability waivers



📌 Pro Tip: A great way for soccer academies to boost liability waiver completion rates is by scheduling multiple text or email reminders targeted specifically at parents who have not yet submitted their waiver forms.




More tools for you Soccer Academy

In addition to waiver management, Activity Messenger offers various tools to streamline your soccer school’s operations. From registration forms and newsletters to surveys and event management, the platform is designed to support all aspects of your organization’s communication and administrative needs.

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  1. What is an Online Liability Waiver for Soccer Academies? An online soccer academy liability waiver is a digital document where participants or their legal guardians acknowledge the risks involved in soccer activities and agree not to hold the academy liable.
  2. Why Are Online Liability Waivers Important for Soccer Academies? These waivers protect soccer academies by clearly communicating risks to participants, reducing legal liability, and ensuring informed consent is obtained from all participants or their guardians.
  3. What Key Information Should Be Included in an Online Liability Waiver for Soccer Academies? Include participant information, a clear description of risks, terms and conditions of participation, emergency contact information, and a section for the participant’s or guardian’s signature.
  4. How Can Soccer Academies Create and Implement Online Liability Waivers? Soccer academies can use digital platforms like Activity Messenger or SmartWaiver to create customizable waivers, integrate them into the registration process, and securely store completed documents.

Written by Olivier Rousseau Olivier is a kids sports programs owner who has been operating for over a decade with locations in Montreal, Quebec city & Ottawa. He also helps Gymnastics Club, Swim Schools and Dance Studios streamline their operations. He is the co-founder of Activity Messenger an online registration platform for the sports & leisure industry.

Start collecting online liability waivers for your Soccer club

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