The number one tactic to improve your marketing newsletter

Olivier Rousseau
26 January 2021 Features 2 min read

If you run a Sports & Leisure organisation and can relate with any of the following points, it’s probably time to switch to a communication platform that was specifically designed for Sports & Leisure.

1- You only really use one feature: Email Marketing

Mailchimp only helps solve one communication problem. So you either need to do more things manually or integrate many tools. Both cost you time and money.  And since email marketing still has one of the highest ROI in marketing these days, we all just settle with what we know.

I grew tired of paying 75-100$ per month on Mailchimp. I kept growing my contact list (and my bill) only to use it once a month.

The Solution:Integrating all my communications needs (marketing and non-marketing) into a single platform to help me save time and money.

2- You have multiple communication workflows and channels

Let’s face it. Email marketing is only one aspect of your communications. You also communicate to:

And to top it off, millennials don’t even read their emails! Always on their phones, text messaging is the most reliable way to reach them.

I remember having to do all of this manually. It was long, excruciating work and always had people not getting the message in time. I also had to purchase multiple solutions: Mailchimp, Text Magic, Smartwaivers, etc

The Solution: A platform that allows me to send SMS to cancel a class, to set up reminders, and to collect waivers while I sleep!

Huge difference right?

Once registered, who wants to get another marketing email.
This simple tweak in communications changes a frustration
into value for the participant.

From “not another marketing email from Bob” to knowing you will get value
from the 60 seconds time investment you commit to the email.

There is extra work on your end, but once set up,
the value is tremendous.

Try your won and watch your email open rates skyrocket!

Looking to do this with Activity Messenger? Checkout the placeholdersand our list buildingtool

Written by Olivier Rousseau Olivier is a kids sports programs owner who has been operating for over a decade with locations in Montreal, Quebec city & Ottawa. He also helps Gymnastics Club, Swim Schools and Dance Studios streamline their operations. He is the co-founder of Activity Messenger an online registration platform for the sports & leisure industry.

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