End of session reminder for Swim Lessons

Olivier Rousseau
29 January 2024 Swim 2 min read

End of session reminder for Swim Schools

In this blog, we’ll explore how to send end-of-session reminders at the end of swim lessons.

We’ll discuss:

  1. How to create a reminder for the end of a session
  2. What your end-of-session reminder should include
  3. How to send reminder by email and/or SMS
  4. How to automate your end of lesson reminder
  5. More tools for Swim School

How to create a reminder for the end of a session

The key is to create a template that can be customized using MailMerge. This makes it easy to customize based on a specific class and the personal information of each swimmer.

Include the participants’s name, session end date and upcoming session information in your template. Consider including a link to a survey to collect feedback.

End of session email Template (Swim Lessons)

Hello {First Name},

We hope that {participant’s first name} has had a great time at ABC Swim School this session!
In a few days, {End Date} will be your last class of the session.

Here is your certificate for the session.
This certificate serves as a testament to the commitment, skill development, and learning that {participant’s first name} has done during the session.

Also, by filling out our end-of-session survey below, you can help us take our service to the next level!

Everyone is looking forward to having you back for the next session and seeing {Participant First Name}‘s progress firsthand. Thank you for your time.

The ABC Swim School

📌 Pro Tip: We keep our emails short and sweet when a session ends. They include a personalized certificate, a survey, and details about the next session. We send them out a few days before the last class of the session. This gives parents and our coaches a chance to talk afterwards and make sure everyone’s questions are answered.

What your end-of-session reminder should include

The creation of a reminder is not just a way to mark the end of a session – it is a way to deepen their connection to your swimming community.

Personal touch: Address each swimmer personally using the name placeholders.
Get some feedback: To gauge how your swimmer felt about their last session, include a survey in your email.
Recognize: Include a certificates of achievement to celebrate their efforts.
Follow up: Use this reminder to encourage swimmers to sign up for the next session.

What your end-of-session reminder should include


📌 Pro Tip: A game changer for us was adding a certificate to our end-of-session emails. This increased our email open rates, and we noticed more clicks to sign up for the next session. These certificates often end up being shared on social media, as proud parents love to share their child’s gymnastics accomplishments. This has naturally extended our marketing reach.

How to send an end of session reminder by email and/or SMS

Activity Messenger allows you to provide reminders via email, SMS or a combination of both.

Choose how to communicate: For maximum reach, choose whether you want to send your reminder via email, text message or a combination of both.
Target your swimmers: Customize your message to reach specific groups, levels or specific teams.
Time it right: Schedule it a few days before the last class.

How to send an end of session reminder by email and/or SMS

How to automate your end of lesson reminder

Activity Messenger streamlines your communications by automating reminders at the end of the lesson, similar to the reminders you send at the beginning of the session.

No swimmer or parent will miss important updates anymore. Here’s how:

Easy automation: Set your schedule. Your reminder will go out on time every time, whether it’s 3-7 days before the session ends.
Tailor your message to your audience: Keep your reminders engaging and informative with a mix of video, text, and images.

How to automate your end of lesson reminder

📌 Pro Tip: By automating our program’s end-of-session reminders, we’ve seen an increase in survey responses and better insight into our staff’s performance. Also, enrollment tends to increase following these emails as they act as a nice prompt to sign back up before classes fill out.

More tools for Swim Schools

Activity Messenger can do much more than automate your end-of-session reminders for your swim school.

Replace your current Swim School software (Uplifter, IClassPro, Amilia etc)

Modern Swim Software
Online Swim lesson registration form
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Jotform, SurveyMonkey, SmartWaiver & Mailchimp alternative in one tool

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Digital Waivers for Swim Lessons
Sending bulk SMS for Swim Schools
Best inspirational swim quotes
Swim Instructor Application Form
Task automation for Swim Schools
Surveys for Swim Schools (Feedback form)

Written by Olivier Rousseau Olivier is a kids sports programs owner who has been operating for over a decade with locations in Montreal, Quebec city & Ottawa. He also helps Gymnastics Club, Swim Schools and Dance Studios streamline their operations. He is the co-founder of Activity Messenger an online registration platform for the sports & leisure industry.

Automate end-of-session reminders for your Swim School

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