Surveys for Soccer Academy - Player Feedback Forms

Olivier Rousseau
7 August 2024 Soccer 2 min read

With the use of online surveys, academies can gain insights into the effectiveness of their training sessions, coaching staff, and overall operations. Here’s how you can create effective surveys to gather valuable feedback if you are running a soccer academy.

We’ll discuss:

  1. Creating an online survey for your soccer academy
  2. Sharing Surveys with your players and parents
  3. Automating surveys at the end of a camp or clinic
  4. Analyzing survey data
  5. Soccer Academy survey template

Activity Messenger is also a Soccer club Management Tool for clubs and academies across the US and Canada.

How to create a Survey for Soccer Clubs

Create branded surveys and feedback forms for your soccer academy with Canva and Activity Messenger.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Log in to Activity Messenger: To get started, go to the survey form builder and select the soccer survey template.
  2. Connect to Canva: Make your soccer club’s brand shine with the Canva and Activity Messenger integration
  3. Add different question types to your survey: Use over 80 different question types to customize your survey:
    • Multiple Choice & Text Entry: Collect a mix of numeric data and descriptive feedback about your soccer clinics, instructors and facilities.
    • Star Rating & Radio Button Grid: Get simple, interpretable feedback on overall satisfaction.
    • Conditional Logic: Conditional branching is used to display questions based on specific conditions or options that guide respondents through the survey. You can add conditional logic to the question you want to display based on a specific response.
    • Skip pages: For longer surveys, be sure to add page skips to make it easier for members to complete the survey.

Soccer academy survey questions


📌 Pro Tip: For our children’s soccer programs, we found that shorter surveys worked best. More parents responded and we still gained valuable insights. Include open-ended questions for those who want to share more details.

Sharing surveys with parents and players

Once you’ve created your survey, it’s time to get it in front of your community.

Activity Messenger generates a unique link for each survey, making it easy to share on social media and your website. You can even print a QR code to display at the entrance of your academy or during soccer matches and events.

Sharing Your Soccer Academy Survey:

  • Social Media and QR Codes: Promote your survey on social media and place a QR code at the reception area or on notice boards.
  • Email and SMS Integration: Distribute the survey link via email or text to your soccer academy players and their parents.
  • Include in Your Newsletter: Your monthly newsletter is a great opportunity to survey members about their experiences at the academy.

Sharing surveys with parents and players




📌 Pro Tip: In my experience with various clubs, using a mix of distribution channels to share your surveys with members will help boosts response rates. And more feedback means better data to help you make smarter decisions as a Soccer club owner.

Automating surveys at the end of a camp or clinic

Automate feedback collection by sending automated SMS or email messages to player and parent lists the day after the end of a soccer camp, clinic or tournament. Include your survey link to easily collect feedback.

Improve survey collection with automation:

Timely sending: Automatically send out surveys right after an event to make sure you’re collecting feedback when it’s most important.
Efficient process: Automation saves time and standardizes feedback collection, resulting in more accurate data.

Automate surveys at the end of a soccer lesson


Looking for a modern soccer management software? Here is a list of the 6 top Soccer Management Software on the market.

Analyzing survey data

Once you start collecting responses, it’s important to analyze the data to gain insights. Activity Messenger provides powerful analysis tools to help soccer academy owners better understand their data.

Analyze Survey Data:

  • Organize and Categorize: Examine responses by age group, training session type, and coach to see detailed breakdowns.
  • Identify Trends: Look for recurring feedback to pinpoint strengths and areas needing improvement.
  • Implement Improvements: Share insights with your team and apply the lessons learned to enhance your academy’s programs.


📌 Pro Tip: In the early days, just my partner and I coached, which made it easy to track feedback from our clients. As our organization grew and we hired more coaches, it became critical to improve our training methods. By analyzing survey data, we were able to identify key areas to focus on and ensure that our people were delivering a consistently high level of quality across the board.

Soccer Academy survey template

Here is a Soccer Academy Survey (Feedback form) that was created using Activity Messenger. Test it out and see if you like it.

More tools for Soccer Clubs & Academies

Activity Messenger can do much more than help you collect data on members at your soccer club or academy

Here’s how:

Create an online registration form for Soccer lessons
Marketing ideas to grow your Soccer Academy
Email Marketing for Soccer Academies
Best Soccer Quotes
Soccer player evaluation form
Liability waiver for soccer clubs



Why Conduct Surveys at your soccer academy?

Surveys are a powerful tool for understanding the needs and preferences of your academy’s players. They can help you:

  • Improve Training Programs: Get direct feedback from players and parents on what’s working and what needs improvement in your training sessions.
  • Enhance Communication: Understand how effectively your academy communicates with players and parents and identify areas for improvement.
  • Increase Player Satisfaction: Learn about the overall satisfaction levels of players and parents with the academy’s facilities, coaching staff, and events.
  • Boost Retention Rates: By addressing the concerns and suggestions from your soccer players, you can create a more engaging and supportive environment that encourages long-term participation.

What Types of Surveys Are Most Beneficial for Soccer Academies?

Surveys focused on player satisfaction, coach performance, and facility quality offer comprehensive insight into various aspects of the soccer academy experience.

What Are the Best Practices for Creating Effective Soccer Academy Surveys?

  • Keep Surveys Short: Encourage more responses with concise surveys.
  • Use Clear Questions: Ensure questions are easily understood by players and parents.
  • Ask Multiple Choice and Open-Ended Questions: Combine quantitative and qualitative data for a fuller picture.
  • Provide Anonymity: Encourage honest feedback by assuring respondents that their answers are confidential.

How Can Soccer Academies Encourage Participation in Surveys?

  • Offer Incentives: Provide small rewards for completing surveys about the academy.
  • Emphasize Importance: Communicate how feedback will lead to improvements.

What Tools or Platforms Can Soccer Academies Use to Create and Distribute Surveys?

Platforms like SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, and Activity Messenger offer online survey creation, distribution, and data analysis tools.

Written by Olivier Rousseau Olivier is a kids sports programs owner who has been operating for over a decade with locations in Montreal, Quebec city & Ottawa. He also helps Gymnastics Club, Swim Schools and Dance Studios streamline their operations. He is the co-founder of Activity Messenger an online registration platform for the sports & leisure industry.

Create a online surveys for your Soccer Club

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