10 Jackrabbit Alternatives (in-depth comparison)

Olivier Rousseau
16 September 2024 Alternatives 2 min read

Jackrabbit is a class management software tool designed to simplify the management of dance studios, gymnastics clubs and swim schools across America.

Many children’s activity centers choose Jackrabbit as their Class Management Software for two reasons:

  • They have a great customer support line for people who need more help getting set up and support along the way.
  • Online registration and the ability to streamline payment collection is the main reason people start use Jackrabbit.

However, teams using JackRabbit may eventually run into one of these problems:

  • The platform can be rigid, and the look and feel is outdated and not very modern.
  • While there are many options, there is limited customization to fit your club’s needs, especially when it comes to branding and communicating with members.
  • Lack of automated marketing tools such as conversion rate tracking, abandoned cart retargeting and advanced email marketing list segmentation, which can hinder the growth of your studio or club.

In this post, we compare 10 Jackrabbit alternatives — starting with our solution, Activity Messenger. We’ll discuss how well they address each of the issues mentioned above and share a few additional features each solution has to offer.

In this review, we’ll cover the following tools:

  1. Activity Messenger
  2. IClassPro
  3. ClassJuggler
  4. GloFox
  5. Uplifter
  6. Amilia
  7. Dance Studio Pro
  8. The Studio Director
  9. MindBody
  10. Akada

Author’s note: Olivier shares tips and tricks he’s learned over the past decade as the owner of a children’s activity center in Montreal. After working with several registration software, today, as the co-founder of Activity Messenger, he helps hundreds of people. dance studios, gymnastics clubs, swim schools and camps across North America simplify their operations and increase their revenue.

1. Activity Messenger: A modern approach to class management

Activity Messenger Software

Activity Messenger is a comprehensive class management solution that simplifies communication, registration, and payments for activity centers such as dance studios, gymnastics clubs, swim schools and summer camps.

Here’s how we address the three issues mentioned above:

Modern, Customizable Platform to Fit Your Club’s Needs

One of the most common complaints about Jackrabbit is that its interface feels outdated and rigid, making it difficult for clubs to provide a customized experience for their members.

Activity Messenger solves this problem by providing a sleek, easy-to-use platform with extensive customization options. Activity Messenger is also built for mobile, so the smartphone user experience is not an afterthought; it is the foundation of all our product designs

Boost enrollment with a customer-centric registration process

You can design registration forms that reflect your brand’s personality and make the registration process easier for parents and participants. Whether you want to customize the look and feel or add specific fields, you’re in complete control. Plus, the platform integrates seamlessly with your favorite tools, such as Stripe for payments and Canva for design.

How It Works:

To create a customized registration experience, choose a pre-designed template or build your forms from scratch using the drag-and-drop form builder. The platform gives you the flexibility to create exactly what you want, just like Google Forms, with all the features of online registration softwares like JackRabbit.

You can customize everything from colors and logos to form fields and even embed these forms directly into your website.

In addition, Activity Messenger allows you to automate the entire registration workflow, from waitlists to confirmation, to start of session reminders and surveys, giving you more time to focus on running your club.

start a tennis club newsletter


Automated billing, recurring payments and payment tracking make financial management easy, and all customer information is stored securely.

Advanced Marketing Tools to Drive Registrations

A key limitation of Jackrabbit is the lack of built-in marketing tools to help clubs grow their membership base.

Activity Messenger takes this a step further by offering sophisticated marketing automation to help you convert more leads into registrations and re-engage past clients.

Activity Messenger’s automated tools, like conversion tracking and abandoned registration retargeting, enable you to follow up with families who started the registration process but didn’t finish.

Analyze conversion rates from your email marketing

You can easily segment your email lists to send personalized messages that offer promotions, reminders or relevant updates to specific groups. These features help you improve engagement, increase conversions and grow your club without the hassle (and cost) of additional tools like Mailchimp and Eventbrite.

How It Works:

Activity Messenger makes it easy to track potential clients throughout their registration journey. If a parent starts signing up but doesn’t complete the process, the system automatically sends follow-up emails or SMS reminders.

These reminders can offer incentives to finish the registration, such as strategic discounts. The built-in analytics track the effectiveness of your efforts, allowing you to refine your campaigns over time.

You can also run advanced email marketing campaigns directly from the platform.

With list segmentation and automation tools, you can target specific groups, such as members who haven’t registered in the current season or parents who showed interest in a particular program.

You can create compelling, branded messages using customizable templates and set up automated sequences to nurture your leads without manual intervention.

Integrated, Streamlined Communication with Members

Communicating with your members effectively is crucial for retention and growth, but Jackrabbit’s communication tools can be limited and make this difficult.

Activity Messenger combines all communication channels—email, SMS, and newsletters—into one platform, with powerfull list segmentation ensuring you’re always connected with your clients.

How to send bulk/SMS to your dance students

From start-of-session reminders to automated post-event surveys, Activity Messenger allows you to engage with your community effortlessly. You can even track communication metrics like open and click-through rates, giving you insight into what resonates with your audience and helping you refine your approach over time.

How It Works:

You can schedule important messages, like session reminders or updates on new programs, to ensure they reach members at the right time. For example, send out automatic start-of-session SMS reminders to parents, reducing no-shows and last-minute cancellations.

Start of dance session email reminder template

After events or classes, use automated surveys to gather feedback, improving your offerings based on direct input from your participants.


Activity Messenger is primarily designed to meet the needs of dance studios, gymnastics clubs, swim schools, summer camps, tennis and soccer academies.

Talk to us about setting up a Activity Messenger plan that fits your needs. 

2. IClassPro


IClassPro is a widely used class management software that provides essential functions such as registration, scheduling and billing. Many organizations appreciate its robust system, which covers most operational needs for managing classes and activities.

Overall, IClassPro remains a reliable solution for managing day-to-day operations, although clubs looking for more modern features or streamlined marketing capabilities may find some limitations.

3. ClassJuggler

Class Juggler

ClassJuggler ClassJuggler is a versatile, cloud-based management software designed to simplify operations for businesses that offer classes, such as dance schools, gyms, martial arts dojos, and more. It provides robust tools for class scheduling, student registration, and payment processing, all in one easy-to-use platform.

The software also includes features such as staff management, customer relationship tools, and comprehensive reporting, making it suitable for organizations of all sizes. In addition, ClassJuggler offers a mobile-friendly customer portal and integrated credit card payment processing, helping organizations streamline operations and improve the customer experience.

4. GlowFox


GloFox is an all-in-one fitness management software designed to help fitness clubs streamline operations, increase revenue and improve member engagement. The platform provides tools for class scheduling, member management, payment processing and reporting. Glofox provides a custom-branded mobile app that allows members to book classes, make payments and engage with the studio for a seamless experience.

The software also includes automation for lead nurturing, email and SMS marketing to help studios retain members and drive growth. With an easy-to-use interface, Glofox simplifies administrative tasks, allowing businesses to focus on providing excellent service.

5. Uplifter


Uplifter is a flexible and comprehensive club management software designed for gymnastics clubs and other athletic organizations. It simplifies operations with features such as online class registration, automated payment processing and athlete skill tracking.

Uplifter’s customizable reporting tools provide clubs with detailed insights into membership, revenue and athlete development, helping administrators make data-driven decisions. The platform also includes mobile tools for coaches to manage attendance and evaluate athlete progress in real-time. Trusted by major gymnastics associations in Canada, Uplifter offers a secure, dedicated cloud database to protect member privacy.

6. Amilia


Amilia is a cloud-based recreation management software designed to help organizations streamline their operations. It provides tools for online registration, membership management and payment processing, making it easy for organizations to manage activities, events and classes in one centralized platform.

Amilia also provides reporting, attendance tracking, and member communication features to help organizations stay organized and efficient. With an easy-to-use interface, it caters to various sectors such as sports clubs, community centers, and recreation programs. Amilia’s customizable platform helps organizations improve their processes while providing customers with a seamless registration and payment experience.

7. Dance Studio Pro

Dance Studio Pro

Dance Studio Pro is a well-known dance studio management software designed to streamline operations for studio owners. It offers essential tools such as class scheduling, student registration, attendance tracking, and payment processing, all in one platform. With a user-friendly interface, it simplifies the administrative workload, allowing studio owners to focus on teaching and growing their business.

The software also features a parent portal, enabling parents to manage their children’s schedules, make payments, and receive important updates. Dance Studio Pro is scalable, making it suitable for studios of all sizes, from small operations to multi-location businesses.

8. The Studio Director

The Studio Directorà

Studio Director is a class management software designed for dance, gymnastics and fitness studios. It provides essential features such as online registration, automated billing and class scheduling, allowing studio owners to efficiently manage their operations. Students and families can easily register for classes, pay fees and manage their accounts through the easy-to-use customer portal.

The platform also supports advanced tools such as costume management for performances, detailed reporting, and secure online payments. With its cloud-based system, The Studio Director ensures that studio owners can access their information from anywhere, making it a comprehensive solution for efficiently managing studio operations.

9. MindBody


MindBody is a leading wellness and fitness management software designed to help businesses streamline operations and improve customer engagement. The platform offers a wide range of features, including online booking, payment processing, scheduling and marketing tools. Businesses can manage staff, track performance and automate tasks such as client communications and recurring payments.

Mindbody provides insight through data-driven reports and offers branded mobile apps for a customized customer experience. Trusted by major fitness and wellness brands, Mindbody helps businesses grow revenue and manage day-to-day tasks with ease.

10. Akada


Akada is a dance studio management software designed to streamline operations for studio owners. It offers a wide range of features tailored specifically for dance studios, including online registration, scheduling, and payment processing. Studio owners can automate tasks like billing, track staff hours, and manage performances and recitals efficiently.

The platform provides over 200 reports for finances, enrollment, and attendance, allowing studios to maintain a clear view of their operations. Akada also offers a mobile app, Akada Express, enabling instructors to easily track attendance on the go, making it a powerful tool for improving productivity​

Choosing the right JackRabbit Alternative

Activity Messenger was designed to overcome the limitations of many older class management platforms.

Unlike other rigid systems with outdated interfaces, Activity Messenger offers a sleek, modern look and feel, providing a user-friendly experience that can be easily customized to meet your club’s specific branding and operational needs.

From personalized registration forms to customized communications, Activity Messenger ensures your organization stands out while simplifying and automating most administrative tasks.

The platform integrates reminder emails, SMS and newsletters in one place for seamless and automated interactions with your community.

Finally, Activity Messenger offers advanced marketing tools, including conversion rate tracking, abandoned cart retargeting, and email list segmentation. These features help you not only manage your club, but also grow it by converting potential leads into long-term members. With built-in automation, you can focus on delivering high-quality experiences while the platform handles your marketing efforts and helps you drive revenue.

Written by Olivier Rousseau Olivier is a kids sports programs owner who has been operating for over a decade with locations in Montreal, Quebec city & Ottawa. He also helps Gymnastics Club, Swim Schools and Dance Studios streamline their operations. He is the co-founder of Activity Messenger an online registration platform for the sports & leisure industry.

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