Email Marketing for Dance Studios with Newsletter template

Olivier Rousseau
22 December 2023 Dance 2 min read

When selecting an email marketing platform to meet the communication needs of a dance studio, there are numerous choices. While MailChimp and Constant Contact have traditionally been top choices, Activity Messenger now provides a solution designed for Dance Studios.

In this article, we’ll examine the nuances involved with creating and sending effective email marketing campaigns for dance studios using Activity Messenger compared to traditional platforms like MailChimp or Constant Contact and showcase how its features uniquely meet their needs.

Email Marketing for Dance Studios:

  1. Create a Newsletters for your Dance Studio
  2. Integrating with design tools like Canva
  3. Increase engagement with your dance community through email marketing
  4. More than email marketing (Start & end-of-session reminders, Party Marketing)
  5. Mailchimp Alternative for Dance Studios

Activity Messenger is also a moderne Dance studio Software with marketing tools to help increase revenue for Dance Studios.

About the author: Hi! My name is Olivier and for over a decade I’ve managed children’s sports programs. Email marketing has always been my most effective strategy to increase revenue; unfortunately most email marketing tools weren’t created with our industry in mind and became costly as subscriber lists increased. Utilizing a communications platform dedicated to sports and recreation was truly transformative to our business; offering so much more than simply email marketing services.

Create a Newsletters for your Dance Studio

Creating a newsletter for your dance studio can be done in 3 easy steps

  1. Open the email template editor (start from scratch or use a template for Dance Studios)
  2. Craft an engaging newsletter for your dance students (using our Canva and ChatGPT integrations)
  3. Send your newsletter to subscribers and share it on social media

Email Marketing for Dance Studios

Integrating with tools like Canva and ChatGPt

Email Marketing For Dance Studios using Canva

Mastering a new image editing tool can be a daunting task.

This is where Activity Messenger sets itself apart by offering direct integration with Canva. This feature allows you to access your Canva account, right within the Activity Messenger platform.

Canva makes your work faster, makes familiar tools accessible, and ensures consistency in visual branding.

Email Marketing For Dance Studios using Canva

Activity Messenger assists with email marketing creation by integrating with ChatGPT.

Integrate AI technology for Dance Studio Owners:

  • Transform Drafts into Polished Content: Convert unformed ideas quickly into well-structured, engaging text that appeals to your dance studio audience.
  • Grammar and Spelling Corrections: Ensure your newsletters are professional and error-free, enhancing readability and credibility.
  • Text Optimization: Modify existing content to improve clarity and impact, making your messages more compelling and easier to understand.
  • Creative Inspiration: Generate fresh ideas for upcoming newsletters or your dance studio, keeping your content dynamic and engaging for your community.

With these integrated tools, crafting visually appealing and well-written newsletters for your dance studio has never been this easy.

Strengthening engagement within your dance community through email marketing

Personalizing your newsletter is crucial in creating relationships within the studio community.

Here is how Activity Messenger makes email marketing for dance studio owners effortless:

    1. Understand Your Audience: Know who your recipients are. In a dance studio setting, your audience could include current and prospective students, parents, and staff. Tailoring content to these groups enhances relevance and engagement.
    2. Integrate Placeholders (Mailmerge): Activity Messenger offers unique placeholders for dance studios. These placeholders can automatically pull in specific information like the recipient’s name, the class they are enrolled in, or upcoming events they might be interested in. This level of personalization makes each email feel individually crafted to the specific needs and interests of each dancer.
    3. Segment Your List: Divide your email list into segments based on criteria like age groups, types of classes (e.g., ballet, hip-hop, adult classes), or participation in past events. This allows for targeted messaging that resonates with specific interests and needs.
    4. Incorporate Rich Media: Enhance your newsletters with images and videos that reflect your studio’s activities. For instance, include photos from recent recitals or rehearsals, or a video snippet of a new dance routine. Activity Messenger’s integration with Canva facilitates design layouts.
    5. Create Engaging Content: Craft content that speaks directly to your audience’s interests. Share updates about upcoming classes, success stories of students, information about staff, or tips for dancers. This not only informs but also builds a sense of community.
    6. Add Interactive Elements: Include interactive elements like polls, surveys, or clickable calls-to-action (CTAs). For example, you could ask for feedback on a recent event or encourage sign-ups for your next session. These elements make your newsletter more engaging, provide valuable insights and can increase re-enrollment.
    7. Keep Branding Consistent: Ensure your newsletters consistently reflect your studio’s branding. Use your logo, color scheme, and tone of voice that aligns with your studio’s personality. Consistent branding helps in building recognition and trust among your audience.

📌 Pro Tip: One strategy we used was to temporarily remove customers who were already registered for an upcoming session from the email newsletter. This allowed us to send fewer marketing emails to people who were already registered, which increased our open rates and decreased our unsubscribe rates (no one wants to receive an email promoting a service they only signed up for a few days ago).

More than email marketing (Start & end-of-session reminders, Party Marketing)

Tools like Mailchimp are great for sending out email newsletters, but what about all the other communications needed to run a profitable dance studio? Are you failing miserably? The reason is that they’re not designed for dance studios.

Here’s how Activity Messenger can help you communicate with your dance community beyond email marketing.

Start of Dance Session Reminder

A start-of-session reminder is now an expected part of the customer experience. This reminder is crucial, especially for those who registered weeks or months in advance, providing them with essential details.

Start of Session Email Template

Start of dance session email reminder template

Personalization: Use placeholders for each recipient, automatically filled with their specific registration details.
Timing: Send 5-7 days before the session begins.
Key Information: Include the location, start date and time, name of the activity, and a checklist of items to bring for the first day.


End of Dance Session Reminder

As the session draws to a close, participants appreciate a reminder. This helps prevent confusion and ensures they are aware of the session’s end.

End of Session Email for Dance Studio Template:

End of dance session email template

Engagement: Use this opportunity to promote your next session and include a satisfaction survey to gather feedback.
Timing: Send 4-5 days before the session ends.
Essential Details: Mention the date of the last class, provide a link to the end-of-session survey, and include a call-to-action for registering for the next session.
Extra: Include an end-of session certificate to acknowledging participants’ accomplishments.


Birthday Party Marketing Automation

(Note: Applicable if your studio offers birthday party services for kids.)

Create a marketing strategy for your studio’s birthday parties that is effortless to set up and highly effective. The key is timing your outreach to coincide with when parents are planning their child’s birthday.

Birthday Party Marketing Email Template

Party Marketing strategy for Dance Studios

Automated Timing: Schedule the email to be sent 4-6 weeks before the child’s birthday.
Personal Touch: Personalize the email with the child’s name.
Compelling Content: Highlight your party packages and provide a direct link to book a party, making it easy for parents to choose your studio for their child’s special day.

By implementing these email automation strategies, your dance studio can enhance communication, improve client satisfaction, and boost engagement. This will also streamline your marketing efforts and boost your bottom line.

Mailchimp Alternative for Dance Studios

Pricing is a key factor in determining the effectiveness of email marketing platforms. Activity Messenger is a more cost-effective option for dance studios to use email marketing.

Email Marketing pricing:

  • Activity Messenger
  • Traditional Platforms (e.g. MailChimp, Contant Contact)
    • Charges for similar services are typically higher.
    • As your subscriber base increases, you will see a price increase.
    • If you want to streamline your business, don’t include dance-specific features.

Activity Messenger is a simple, no-contract solution. The interface is easy to use, there are no hidden costs, and you can easily manage your email campaign.

Even more tools for Dance Studio Owners

This article has focused on how Activity Messenger can help streamline and reduce the cost of email marketing for Dance Studios. But the platform can do much more for your dance studio.

Replace your current dance studio software (JackRabbit, DanceStudioPro etc)

Dance Studio Software
Create a dance registration form
Best Dance Studio Software Compared

Replace tools like Jotform, SurveyMonkey and Mailchimp for your dance studio

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Progress Report for dance students
Job Application Form for Dance
Start of session reminder
Bulk certificates for dance
Online Attendance tracking
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Dance Studio Marketing with AI


What are the benefits of email marketing for dance studios?

Email marketing is a great way to build a community, communicate with students and parents, and reach out at a low cost. It allows for targeted promotions, class announcements, and fosters direct connections with parents and students, increasing engagement and retention.

What is the best email marketing tool for dance studios?

The best email marketing tool for dance studios is Activity Messenger. Unlike Mailchimp and ConstantContact, it offers tailored features for dance studios, integrates seamlessly with Canva for design, and provides personalized communication options.

How can I build an effective email list for my dance studio?

  1. Include opt-in options on your website
  2. Share your newsletter with social media
  3. Use a QR code on the front desk to allow people to opt in for your newsletter
  4. Offer a free ebook or tool to people who opt in

What type of content should dance studios include in their newsletter?

A dance studio newsletter should contain information on classe updates and new blog articles. It also includes student spotlights, events coming up, and tips.

How often should dance studios send out marketing emails?

You should balance the need for regular communications with the risk that you will overwhelm your subscribers. You can find the balance by segmenting your communications into non-marketing and marketing, and by analyzing dance student status and preferences.

Can email marketing help in retaining dance students?

Absolutely. People are busy so reminders can be very helpful to retain students. Personalized and targeted emails can boost student retention by offering information about the right class at the right time for that students particular level.


Written by Olivier Rousseau Olivier is a kids sports programs owner who has been operating for over a decade with locations in Montreal, Quebec city & Ottawa. He also helps Gymnastics Club, Swim Schools and Dance Studios streamline their operations. He is the co-founder of Activity Messenger an online registration platform for the sports & leisure industry.

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