In this article, we’ll talk about how summer camps can use bulk SMS/text messaging to better communicate with campers and families.
Activity Messenger is a Camp Management Software and an alternative to tools IClassPro and Jackrabbit.
Text messaging offers efficient communication for camps, ensuring that parents receive the right information at the right time.
Text messages are much more likely to be opened immediately. Email, on the other hand, is much less likely to be seen in parents’ cluttered inboxes.
This is not a big deal for less important communications, but for urgent outreach, the ability to text parents is critical. SMS can also play a increased role in your summer camp marketing strategy.
Here are a few ways your camp can use text messaging this summer:
If you’re a camp manager looking to potentially switch your camp management solution, here is a list of the 5 best camp management softwares on the market.
Activity Messenger helps Camps with more than sending bulk SMS to parents.
Modern Camp Software
Camp registration form
Best Camp Software
Medical forms for camps
Welcome email for camps (Template)
Summer Camp Staff Onboarding
Email Marketing for Camps
Liability Waivers for camps
Attendance Tracking
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