25 Best Swimming Quotes

Olivier Rousseau
6 March 2024 Swim 2 min read

We’ve compiled a list of 25 swimming quotes, carefully chosen to reflect the sport’s unique challenges and triumphs. In addition, we’ll provide actionable tips on how you can share swim quotes to inspire your swimming community.

We’ll cover:

  1. 25 Best Swimming Quotes
  2. How to use Swim quotes on Social Media
  3. Include quotes in your Newsletter
  4. Share Swimming Quotes at your pool
  5. Add Quotes in your Registration Form
  6. Customize your certificates with an inspirational quote
  7. More tools for Swim Schools

About the author: I’m Olivier, co-founder of Activity Messenger, a Class Management platform for Swim Schools. I also run a multi-franchise business dedicated to introducing sports to children aged 2-9 with over 100 employees and 5000 registrations per year.

25 Best Swimming Quotes


  1. “Swimming is normal for me. I’m relaxed. I’m comfortable, and I know my surroundings. It’s my home.” – Michael Phelps
  2. “The water doesn’t know how old you are.” – Dara Torres
  3. “Swimming is not just a sport; it’s a way to escape, to breathe, to find peace in the chaos of life.”
  4. “The best swimmers are the ones who can swim with their mind.” – Bob Bowman
  5. “Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.” – Matt Biondi
  6. “Swim your own race. Be in competition with no one but yourself.”
  7. “When you’re behind, it doesn’t mean you’re losing; it just means you’re about to make a great comeback.”
  8. “The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it.” – Woodrow Wilson
  9. “You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.” – Michael Phelps
  10. “Swimming is simply moving meditation.”
  11. “To have a swimmer’s body, you must swim.” – Buck Dawson
  12. “The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.” – Vince Lombardi
  13. “Swimming is the only sport where you go from point A to point A and still cover a lot of distance.”
  14. “Swimming – where you do enough laps to cover the Atlantic, but you end up just where you started.”
  15. “Being a great swimmer isn’t about winning, it’s about pushing your boundaries until the pool feels too small.”
  16. “Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up.” – Rocky Balboa
  17. “In swimming, every stroke and every breath counts. It’s the ultimate lesson in persistence.”
  18. “A swimmer’s courage isn’t just about diving into the unknown; it’s about coming up for air, again and again.”
  19. “Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly.” – Shaquille O’Neal
  20. “Swimming is the dance of the water and the swimmer. It’s about creating beauty in a space where gravity doesn’t exist.”
  21. “In the water, your only enemy is the clock.”
  22. “Swimming is a sport of details. The smallest adjustments can make the biggest difference.”
  23. “The water is my sky, and I swim to fly.”
  24. “Life is like swimming; sometimes you hit a wall, turn around, and just keep going.”
  25. “Swim in silence and let your success make the noise.”

How to use Swim quotes on Social Media

Social platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter allow you to connect with your swim school community. Here’s how to use them to share inspiring swim quotes that resonate with current swimmers and attract new ones:

Create compelling visuals:

Design eye-catching social media posts that combine swimming quotes with your swim school’s branding using tools like Canva. Include images from your classes, meets, or graphics that embody the spirit of your chosen quote.

Add hashtags:

Increase the reach of your posts by incorporating popular swimming-related hashtags. Examples include #swimming #swimmingquotes #swimminglife #swimminginspiration.

Keep a consistent posting schedule:

To share an inspirational swimming quote each week, create a regular posting schedule, such as #MotivationMonday. This consistent engagement not only boosts the morale of your community, but also sets an uplifting tone for the week ahead.


Include quotes in your Newsletter

A newsletter can be a powerful tool for increasing retention and building community within your swim club. Emailing your swim school community is an excellent way to help them feel united.

Here are some ideas for incorporating swim quotes:

Monthly Motivation:

Feature an uplifting swim quote in a “Monthly Motivation” section of your newsletter. Be sure to choose a swimming quote that speaks to the goals and dreams of your swim school community.

Community Contributions:

Invite your swim team, coach and parents to submit their favorite swim sayings and feature the most inspirational in your next monthly newsletter. This will not only engage your community. It will also make your communications more personal and relatable.


Share Swimming Quotes at your pool

Your swim school’s facility plays a crucial role in inspiring your members. From the reception area to the pool deck, your space is ripe with opportunities to motivate your swimmers.

The Motivation Board:

Consider installing a chalkboard or digital screen near the entrance where you can display inspirational swim quotes that you update regularly, perhaps weekly or monthly.


Weave motivational quotes into the décor of your swim school. Consider using wall decals, framed quotes or even commissioning a mural to add an extra layer of inspiration to the swim environment.

Add Quotes in your Registration Form

Include inspiring swim quotes when people sign up to make a memorable first impression.

Swim School Registration Form:

In a world full of options for kids’ activities, it’s important to stand out. Make the process engaging in order to increase your registration form conversion rates (and convince parents to choose swimming as their child’s activity). Activity Messenger gives you the ability to personalize your registration form with uplifting quotes about swimming.

Start of Session Reminder:

In the reminders you send out at the beginning of each session, embed short swim quotes. This sets a supportive tone from the start and adds a fun element to your messages.

Swim Lesson Confirmation Email:

When parents complete the process of registering for your swim program, they’ll receive a confirmation email. You have the opportunity to validate their decision and allay any concerns they may have at this crucial moment. Including an inspiring quote about swimming right after they sign up can excite both swimmers and their parents, and reaffirm their decision to join your community.

Learn more: How to improve your registration form process

Customize your certificates with an inspirational quote

Custom swim certificates can be a significant contributor to your swim school’s growth by increasing retention and turning swimmers into champions of your brand.

Including a custom swim certificate in your end-of-semester communications is an excellent way to recognize your swimmers’ achievements. It’s also a perfect opportunity to include an inspirational swimming quote to encourage students to embrace swimming as a lifelong journey.

Personalized quotes:

Choose a motivational swim quote to include on the certificates at the end of the season. This personalized addition can make the certificates feel more special. It can also motivate swimmers to keep striving for excellence in the pool.


More tools for Swim Schools

Activity Messenger can do much more than help you market your Swim School.

Replace your current Swim School software (Uplifter, IClassPro, Amilia etc)

Modern Swim Software
Online Swim lesson registration form
Best Swim School Software

Jotform, SurveyMonkey, SmartWaiver & Mailchimp alternative in one tool

Email Marketing for Swim Schools
Swim Meet Ticketing
Digital Waivers for Swim Lessons
Attendance tracking for Swim Lessons
Sending bulk SMS for Swim Schools
Swim Instructor Application Form
Start of session reminder
Surveys for Swim Schools (Feedback form)
SEO for swim schools: How to get started

Written by Olivier Rousseau Olivier is a kids sports programs owner who has been operating for over a decade with locations in Montreal, Quebec city & Ottawa. He also helps Gymnastics Club, Swim Schools and Dance Studios streamline their operations. He is the co-founder of Activity Messenger an online registration platform for the sports & leisure industry.

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