Create a Soccer Registration Form (with Template)

Olivier Rousseau
7 August 2024 Soccer 2 min read

Looking to streamline the registration process for your soccer program?

This article will walk you through the process of creating a soccer registration form and provide you with a template to get you started.

Step 1: What to include in your soccer lesson registration form
Step 2: Select a form-building designed for Soccer Academies
Step 3: Create your soccer registration form
Step 4: Add Soccer Lesson dates & options
Step 5. Include a liability waiver & signature
Step 6: Configure your confirmation email
Step 7: Setup automated reminders
Step 8. Share and start collecting registrations

Soccer registration form template

JotForms, Cognito Forms & Google Forms Alternative for Soccer Academies

When it comes to online soccer registrations, generic form builder are not ideal. We developed a custom form builder specifically for the unique needs of Soccer lessons..

Step 1: What to include in your Soccer Program Registration Form

To create an effective soccer registration form, you need to collect the right information. Here are the essential fields to include:

1. Participant Information

Collect basic details about the participant, including:

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Contact Information (email and phone number)
  • Past experience, current level, etc

2. Parent/Guardian Information

If the participant is a minor, you’ll need to collect details about their parent or guardian:

  • Full Name
  • Contact Information (email and phone number)
  • Relationship to Participant

3. Emergency Contact Information

In case of an emergency, it’s important to have a contact who can be reached quickly:

  • Full Name
  • Contact Information (phone number)

4. Medical Information

Gather any relevant medical details to ensure participant safety:

  • Allergies
  • Medical Conditions
  • Medications

5. Program Selection

Allow participants to choose the program or session they wish to register for:

  • Program Options (e.g., summer camp, fall league, spring goalie clinic)
  • Session Times
  • Price and payment plans

6. Waiver, Consent & digital signature

Include a liability waiver section where participants or their guardians can agree to your terms and conditions:

  • Waiver of Liability
  • Photo/Video Consent
  • Digital signature

Want to start a Soccer academy? Read our step-by-step guide to opening and growing a soccer academy.

Step 2: Find a form-building tool for Soccer programs Lessons

Popular choices include Google Forms, JotForm, Wufoo and Activity Messenger, each with different features that make it easy to create forms for your Soccer Lessons.

Jotform vs Wufoo vs google forms

Looking for a modern soccer management software? Here is a list of the 6 best Soccer Management Software on the market.

Step 3: Create your Soccer Registration Form

Now that you know what information to collect, it’s time to create your form. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Choose a Form Builder

Select a form-building tool that suits your needs. Activity Messenger is an excellent choice as it offers customizable templates and is designed for the sports and leisure industry.

Step 2: Customize the Template

Start with a soccer registration form template and customize it to include the fields mentioned above. Add your branding elements like logos and colors to make it visually appealing.

Step 3: Set Up Payment Processing

If your program requires a registration fee, integrate a payment gateway like Stripe to collect payments securely.

Step 4: Test Your Form

Before launching your form, test it to ensure everything works smoothly. Check that all fields are functioning correctly and that the submission process is error-free.

Step 5: Share Your Form

Once you’re satisfied with your form, share it with your community or soccer club. Promote it on your website, social media channels, and through email newsletters to reach potential participants.


Want to learn more about the different alternatives? Here is are the 7 best online form building tools for soccer academies.

Step 4: Add Soccer Lesson dates & options

Your registration form should help parents choose the best lesson according to their preferences, child’s level, age and availability. Here’s how to add specific lesson schedules to your registration form:

  1. Create Soccer Lesson Options:
    • In your form builder, navigate to classes and select “Create” to start setting up your soccer lessons or clinics.
  2. Detail the Soccer Lessons:
    • Provide essential details such as the cost, number of spots available, location, time, coach’s name, and registration period to give potential clients a clear understanding of what to expect and help them select the right option.
  3. Add a payment option:
    1. Payment Options: Set up multiple payment methods, consider pro-rated fees and payment plans, and include any discount codes or special offers. For Canadian businesses, you can integrate Interact E-transfer payments to your registration form.

Add Soccer Lesson dates & options

Step 5. Include a liability waiver & digital signature

To provide a convenient way for parents to officially sign documents online, you can add a digital signature field to your form. This way, parents will agree to the terms of the waiver at the same time as their online soccer registration. Here’s how it works:

  1. Digital Signature Field:
    • Include a digital signature field in your registration form to allow parents to sign electronically, eliminating the need for paper forms.
  2. Agreement Confirmation:
    • Before parents can complete their registration, the form will prompt them to check the “I read and accept” box. This step confirms their understanding and acceptance of the waiver terms.

Soccer registration form liability waiver

Step 6: Confirmation email

Activity Messenger sends a confirmation email immediately when a parent enrolls their child in your soccer lessons. This email confirms the registration, provides a copy of their invoice, and should include any other important information regarding the upcoming session.

Here’s how to make the most of this feature:

  1. Instant Confirmation:
    • Once a parent signs up their child, an email is automatically sent to confirm the registration and provide an invoice copy, ensuring parents have all necessary details at their fingertips.
  2. Personalized Welcome Emails:
    • Customize your welcome email for each registration form. This ensures that each student receives accurate and relevant instructions to their specific lesson or soccer clinic.
  3. Mailmerge for Personalization:
    • Use Mailmerge to personalize these emails, creating a great first impression before the soccer lessons even begin.

For more information, explore our guide on what to include in your confirmation email.

Step 7: Setup automated reminders

What happens after registration is critical to ensuring a positive experience for both parents and players.

Clients expect immediate, personalized, and clear updates about their registration and upcoming lessons. Here’s how to keep them informed and engaged:

  1. Start of program Reminders:
    • Consider sending a customized text message 48-72 hours before the first class of the session. This will help remind parents of the start date, time, location and what to expect at the start of the session. This can also help reduce last-minute emails from confused clients who have forgotten or can’t find the information on their own.
  2. Post-Lesson Feedback:

Start of session reminder for soccer academy

Step 8: Share your registration form with your clients

Effective promotion of your registration form is essential to maximize sign-ups. Here are a few channels you can use:

  1. Email or SMS Outreach:
    • Use Activity Messenger to send newsletters (a Mailchimp alternative for soccer clubs) that include a link to your registration form. This allows for direct and personalized communication with your clients. You can also use SMS for a more direct outreach.
  2. Share the Form Link:
    • Share the registration link directly with your customers by sending them an email or posting it on your social media channels.
  3. QR Code:
    • Activity Messenger generates a unique QR code linked to your registration registration form. Display it at your front desk or at events to allow quick access for interested participants.
  4. Website Integration:
    • Embed the registration form directly on your website, or add it to a “Register Now” button or menu option. This provides a seamless experience for visitors looking to sign up without ever leaving your website.


For more tips and strategies, read our guide on how to improve your online registration form. This will help you optimize your form for better engagement and conversion.

3 other ways Activity Messenger makes your life easier as a Soccer Coach

Optimizing your operations is essential for providing a top-notch experience for players and parents. Here’s how you can use Activity Messenger to streamline your processes:

  1. Attendance Tracking:
    • Use a customizable check-in list for each lesson. Rename activities, assign coaches, divide students into groups, and save attendance records for later review. This helps keep track of participation and organize sessions effectively.
  2. Data Analysis:
    • Activity Messenger provides detailed analytics, giving you valuable data to improve operational and strategic aspects of your business. Use these insights to enhance training programs, make sure your staff is well trained and increase overall customer satisfaction.
  3. Waitlist Management:
    • Effective waitlist management ensures that every spot is filled efficiently. The system automatically sends an email or SMS to those on the waitlist when a spot becomes available.

Other tools to help you streamline operations at your Soccer Academy

Activity Messenger can do much more than help you simplify registrations at your soccer club.

Here’s how:

9 Marketing ideas for Soccer Club
26 Best Soccer Quotes
Tournament ticket sale
How to stat a soccer academy
Soccer coach application form
Soccer Academy Management Software


What is a Soccer Lesson Registration Form?

A soccer lesson registration form is an online document used to collect important information from participants and their parents or guardians. It includes personal information, medical history, liability waiver, and payment information.

What Key Information Should Be Included in a Soccer Lesson Registration Form?

Include the participant’s personal information, emergency contact information, medical history, dietary restrictions, consent for activities, and parent or guardian signature.

What Strategies Can Soccer Lessons Use to Increase the Completion Rate of Registration Forms?

Keep the forms short and straightforward, offer incentives for early completion (e.g., early bird discounts), and ensure the form is easy to fill out on a smartphone.

Why Use an Online Registration Form for my soccer programs?

An online registration form simplifies the registration process for both you and your participants. It eliminates the need for paper forms, reduces manual data entry, and ensures that you collect all necessary information upfront. Plus, it makes it easy to track and manage registrations in one place.

Key Benefits:

  • Convenience: Participants can register from anywhere, at any time.
  • Efficiency: Save time by automating the collection and organization of participant information.
  • Accuracy: Reduce errors and ensure you have all the necessary details.

Written by Olivier Rousseau Olivier is a kids sports programs owner who has been operating for over a decade with locations in Montreal, Quebec city & Ottawa. He also helps Gymnastics Club, Swim Schools and Dance Studios streamline their operations. He is the co-founder of Activity Messenger an online registration platform for the sports & leisure industry.

Create a soccer lesson registration from and start taking registrations in minutes!

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