5 Unconventional Marketing ideas for your Dance Studio

Olivier Rousseau
3 February 2024 Dance 2 min read

In this article, we’ll go over our 5 more unconventional ideas for marketing a modern dance studio business. We’ll also add a twist and provide actionable tips for 10+  well-known marketing ideas that you might already been using to promote your dance studio.

We’ll cover the following dance studio marketing ideas:

Email Marketing
Registrations not open yet? Add a reminder form
✅ Offer an early bird-discount
Social Media Marketing
End-of-session surveys to promote next session
Bulk Dance Certificates
Customer Referrals
SEO and Content Marketing
Bulk SMS / Mass Texting
Testimonials and online reviews
Pay Per Click (PPC) Ads
Open House and Free Dance Lessons
Kid’s Dance Birthday Party
Using AI (ChatGPT) to market your studio
Event more ways to Market your Dance Studio


About the author: I’m Olivier, co-founder of Activity Messenger, a modern dance studios software. I also run a multi-franchise business dedicated to introducing sports to children aged 2-9 with over 100 employees. Over the last decade, I’ve spent over $200,000 on Facebook and Google ads, sent hundreds of email marketing campaigns, all aimed at increasing enrollment in classes and camps. I also help our clients build a successful dance studio with the help or our dance studio management software.

Indicates a more traditional dance studio marketing ideas. We add a modern twist so that even experienced dance studio marketers can gain new insights.
Indicates an unconventional marketing ideas. These may be a bit advanced for new studio, but will generate novel marketing ideas for established studios.
📌 Pro Tip: These are tips for both established and new dance studios looking to improve their marketing strategies
📌 Tip for new studio owners: These are tps for newer dance studio owners looking to grow revenue

1- Email Marketing

You may be surprised that I put this at the top (or that it’s unconventional), but I truly believe that this is the #1 missed opportunity for dance studios.

Here’s why:

At Activity Messenger, we see hundreds of businesses using email marketing to remind clients to sign up for their next class.

Which is great.

But many of them only reach current or past students.

And they don’t have an option for potential clients to subscribe to their newsletter from their website.

At my children’s sports organization, when we added the subscription option, we were surprised to see how many prospects opted in to receive notifications about future sessions.


Grow your email subscriber list for dance studios

Segment by registration status

Once we started building our email list, we also decided to segment by registration status.

Here’s why:

We’ve all gotten that marketing email a few days after a purchase that promotes the exact class you just signed up for.
Makes you want to unsubscribe, right?

And that’s exactly what people were doing.

So we switched to segmenting by registration status and 3 things happened:

  1.  Unsubscribe rate dropped significantly
  2. Open rates went up
  3. Registrations increased

The reason?

Attendees now know that our outreach is relevant based on their past and current registrations.

They get fewer emails when they register early, so they are less likely to unsubscribe.
They get more if they haven’t registered yet, so they’re less likely to forget to sign up for Sophia’s to Dance classes this fall.

Busy parents love this!

Ways to grow your subscriber list

  1. Add subscribe option to your website
  2. Print a QR code at your front desk so people can subscribe
  3. Encourage people to sign up after your free trials, open houses or events

How to engage with people who just signed up for your newsletter

When communicating with potential customers, there are some key strategies to remember:

Immediately send a welcome email. This allows them to further interact with you when they’re most interested. We’ve had success adding:

  • Links to sign up for an upcoming free trial
  • Blog articles that demonstrate our expertise
  • Promotions for new students
  • What to expect from our future outreach.

This engages potential clients from the start, rather than simply thanking them for joining our email blast. Great way to start building a successful dance studio.

📌 Pro Tip: Just by adding an email subscription form, we had over 100 new subscribers in less than 10 days during peak registration times. A lot of parents come to our site from an ad or search. In many cases, their child is too young, or they are simply not be available for the current session. These are quality leads who want you to be in touch the next time a session is available.

📌 Tip for new studio owners: We had a client who added an option to sign up for her newsletter even before her dance studio website was ready. By the time she opened up for signups, she already had 200 people signed up for her newsletter, which had a huge impact on her first session. If you are just starting out or still in the early stages, simply adding a CTA to subscribe to your newsletter will help you grow much faster.

2- Registrations not open yet? Add a reminder form

Last fall, I wanted to enroll my oldest in a dance class. I visited the dance studio’s website and was ready to buy.

But registration had not yet begun.

A few days went by and I completely forgot to register my son.

When I remembered, I had missed the first few weeks and didn’t bother to sign him up.

I ended up choosing a competing studio for the winter session.

My son loved it.

That studio lost my entire family (3 kids) to their competitor.

This can be the difference between a struggling and successful dance studio.


All the studio had to do was open registration much earlier to turn us into customers.

As an operator, I know it’s not that easy.

I can hear the excuses going through your head:

“But I haven’t confirmed the location.”
“I’m not sure I’ll have the staff.”
“No one will sign up this early”
“My business is unique and this would never work in our industry.”

Ok… so say I accept your excuses.

I can still help you avoid losing clients for simply not having registrations up early enough.

With one simple tweak.

⏱ A reminder form.

Dance reminder form


In our business, we recently had over 112 people fill out a reminder form before registrations for a program that only had 42 spots.

When registration opened, the classes filled up in a matter of hours (some in minutes).

How to create a reminder form for registrations

Reminder forms can be easily created using Google Forms. With Activity Messenger, you get the advantage of being able to reconnect with people in bulk with nice email templates and bulk SMS.

  1. Post the class option online before anything is finalized.
  2. Set it all up with the approximate dates and times
  3. Change the registration link to a reminder form (click here for an example)
  4. Send an SMS/Email reminder 24 hours before registration opens

3- Offer an early bird-discount

One of the biggest marketing hacks that helped us grow our business to 7 figures in annual revenue was so simple.

We open registration as early as possible (and much earlier than our competitors).

We offer early bird discounts to encourage early registration.

This helps with cash flow, staff scheduling, and best of all, you now have an army of ambassadors telling their friends to sign up before classes fill up.

Today, some of our classes fill up months in advance.

It takes a little time, but after a few sessions, parents know that classes fill up quickly and start registering earlier.

As a result, we have more information to adjust our advertising budget, open new classes, or even change class types to optimize revenue.

Start registrations earlier than you think (and give an early bird-discount)


📌 Pro Tip: We’ve been doing this for years and we usually have 25% to 30% of our registrations in before most of our competitors have even started taking registrations. It helps us better target our ads and email outreach because I know which classes need more visibility.

📌 Tip for new dance studio owners: If you are just starting out, it might be tempting to offer your classes at a lower price to get some momentum, which is a great idea. But you’ll want to lock in your price. If you’re offering a class for $80 that you eventually want to charge $160 for, make sure that’s clear to all customers so they don’t assume you’ll always be a low-cost option.

4- Social Media Marketing

Don’t be afraid to pay for social ads.

Facebook & Instagram Ads are a great way to promote your dance classes and camps.

Paying a few dollars a day to drive traffic to your website is well worth it.

Some people think that posting on your business profile is enough.

But organic reach has dropped dramatically in the last few years. Paid ads have become more important.

I usually create one set of ads per session.

It is not as time consuming as maintaining our social media and gives us much better results and reach.

All you have to do is set up an image or video ad. Target a radius of a few miles/kms around your location. Budget a few dollars per day. And there you go.

Instead of having a few open spots in your classes, a few hundred dollars of ad spend will give you that extra boost to fill your classes.

This has the potential to dramatically increase your profit margins, as every additional enrollment in a class is virtually pure profit.

📌 Pro Tip: On a 7 day window, I typically get a cost of $7 to $10 per purchase on Facebook ads. Which is great. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg in terms of value. A lot of people will sign up without clicking on the ad or after the 7 day window is over. And a surprising percentage of people sign up for our newsletter, which gives me options for future outreach.

📌 Tip for new dance studio owners: We know that finances are usually tight when you open your studio. But we recommend that you spend a decent amount on advertising to promote your studio. This dance studio marketing strategy will attract more students and get a bigger snowball rolling from the start. Then you offer amazing classes and students will re-enroll and start telling their friends.

5- Use end of session survey to promote next session

A participant survey will help you understand your customers’ likes, dislikes, and where you need to improve.

With Activity Messenger, you can automate an email 2-3 days before the last class of the session.

Designing Your Dance Studio Survey in Canva

How to use your end-of-session reminder as a marketing tool?

  1. Increase retention: Include a link to your dance studio’s website sign up for the next session.
  2. Increase organic word-of-mouth: Add an personalized certificate that people can print and share on social media.
  3. Optimize online peer review: When someone completes your survey, ask them to share a testimonial on social media.

You can also follow up with people who have given you a great review and ask for a social media testimonial.

📌 Pro Tip: As an operator, collecting feedback used to be a hassle—I’d often forget. Now, with Activity Messenger, I set up an end of session automation to be sent to all participants 4 days before the last class of the session. My role is simply to review the data occasionally and adjust as necessary.

📌 Tip for new dance studio owners: This is probably one of the most important marketing channels to start with. You’ll want to ask questions about how the class went, but also about dance type and scheduling preferences, which you can then adapt to better serve your local dance community. For example, parents may love the Parent & Tot class, but find the day and time to be terrible to fit into their family schedule.

6- Bulk Dance Certificates

Certificates can serve a more strategic purpose than simply recognizing an dancer’s achievement. Sending branded certificates in bulk to participants is also an effective marketing tool. Kids love to show off their accomplishments, so chances are good that proud parents will post certificates around the house and on social media.

How bulk certificates can spark word-of-mouth for Dance Studios

Adding your logo to certificates turns them into free advertising. When these certificates are displayed at home, they remind families to sign up for the next class and spread the word about your studio. When friends and family see this on social media or when they visit, it sparks word-of-mouth, potentially bringing in new clients for future sessions. This is one of the most unique and underutilized of our dance studio marketing strategies.

Actionable Tips:

Design eye-catching certificates: Make sure your certificates look great and feature your studio’s logo prominently.
Celebrate each achievement: Give certificates for various milestones, not just at the end of a session.
Encourage social sharing: Encourage your dancers to post their certificates on social media. Consider launching a contest to win merchandise or a free session to boost social sharing.

How dance certificates can help your studio grow


📌 Pro Tip: This can be done manually but we recommend you use a bulk certificate generator like Activity Messenger or Certifier. Activity Messenger’s integration with Canva makes it easy for you to design on brand certificates.

📌 Tip for new dance studio owners: This tip is especially true for new or growing dance schools. You want to create a sense of belonging and celebrating accomplishments with certificates is a great way to spark that in your dance community.

7- Customer Referrals

Referrals take advantage of the trust and credibility from personal recommendations, which makes it an incredibly effective way to attract new students to your Dance Studio.

Just as you would trust a friend’s recommendation for a great restaurant, people trust their friends and family’s recommendations for dance lessons.

Here’s how you can use customer referrals to your advantage:

  • Create a compelling referral plan: Offer tangible rewards, such as tuition discounts or special gifts, to motivate your current students to spread the word.
  • Encourage the sharing of positive experiences: Satisfied students and parents are your best advocates. Encourage them to share their positive experiences with your studio, both in person and on social media.
  • Make referrals easy: Provide simple tools and incentives for students to refer friends, such as referral cards, personalized links or even just a mention in your studio newsletter.
  • Recognize and reward referring: Recognize and reward both the referrer and the new student to show your appreciation for referrals.


📌 Pro Tip: You’ll want to make it easy for current students to recommend you. Have flyers, social media posts, personalized certificates and other easy ways for people to share and be rewarded for bringing people to your studio.

📌 Tip for new dance studio owners: Client referrals are the easiest way to grow. Your clients do the work for you, and when they refer friends and family, it also increases the likelihood that they will sign up for many more sessions at your studio.

8- SEO and Content Marketing

Another of our favorite dance studio marketing ideas is the use of SEO and content marketing to increase their online visibility. Through website optimization and the creation of valuable content, studios can rank higher in search engine results and establish themselves as authorities in the dance community.

Understanding SEO

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization involves optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results, making it more visible to potential students.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Optimize Your Website: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and contains high-quality inbound and outbound links.
  2. Use Relevant Keywords: Research and integrate keywords that potential students might use when searching for dance classes, such as “dance studios near me” or “ballet classes for kids.”
  3. Optimize for Local Keywords: Optimizing with local keywords like “dance program in [City Name]” can significantly improve visibility. Creating content that highlights your involvement in the local community can also add a personal to your SEO efforts.
  4. Leverage Local Backlinks: Securing backlinks from reputable local websites can also boost your local SEO.

Here’s how to get started

Creating Valuable Content

Content marketing involves creating and sharing content that is both informative and engaging, to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Start a Dance Blog: Share tips, dance tutorials, and stories from your studio to provide value to your local dance community.
  2. Leverage Video Content: Create short dance videos or behind-the-scenes looks at your studio to engage your audience on a more personal level.
  3. Create Short-form video: Dance is perfect for sharing short videos of impressive dance moves and how-to tutorials. Then share them on Youtube Shorts, Instragram Reels and Tiktok.

Boosting SEO with Content

The right content can significantly boost your SEO efforts by providing your audience with the information they’re searching for and keeping them engaged on your site longer.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Regularly Update Content: Keep your website content fresh and up-to-date to encourage repeat visits and increase the time users spend on your site.
  2. Incorporate Keywords into Your Content: Naturally integrate relevant keywords into your blog posts, video descriptions, and website copy to improve your search engine rankings.
  3. Leverage AI (ChatGPT): Try these 7 tip to speed up content creation with AI

Engaging Your Community

Content marketing is not just about attracting new students; it’s also about building and nurturing a community around your dance program.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Encourage Social Sharing: Make it easy for visitors to share your content on social media, expanding your reach and attracting new students.
  2. Create Interactive Content: Use polls, quizzes, or contests to engage your audience and encourage participation.
  3. Include Client testimonials in your SEO efforts: This will increase credibility and trust and positively impact your online presence.

By combining SEO strategies with compelling content marketing, you can increase visits to your dance studio’s website, attract more students, and build a thriving dance community.

📌 Pro Tip: Writing content for Google can be a long process but is a must to build a successful dance studio. To speed things up, record yourself or create a video, then ask AI to create a blog post from the audio or video file. All you have to do next is edit and add anything that might be missing. This can easily increase your content production by 10 times.

📌 Tip for new dance studio owners: Focus on long tail keywords and local searches. Both will be much easier for you to rank for quickly until your dance studio website gains authority in Google’s view.

9- Bulk SMS / Mass Texting

Dance schools can greatly benefit from using bulk SMS or mass texting as a marketing tool. This allows dance studio owners to reach audiences directly on their mobile phones, ensuring messages about promotions, dance programs, events and new classes are seen immediately.

Effective Communication with Dance Students

Bulk SMS provides a direct line to your students, ensuring that important updates and offers get delivered in a timely manner.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Automate Reminders: Use mass texting to send reminders about upcoming dance programs or registration deadlines. Reduce no-shows and last-minute registrations.
  2. Promote Special Offers: Share exclusive discounts or limited-time offers via text to attract new dancers and retain current participants.

Re-engaging Past Students

Text messages to former students can be a great way to rekindle their interest in a return to your dance school.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Personalized Invitations: Send personalized text messages to former students with special comeback offers to make them feel appreciated and missed.
  2. New Offerings: Inform past students about new dance programs, instructors or studio improvements that may spark their interest.

Streamlining Studio Announcements

Mass texting can simplify the process of making studio-wide announcements and ensure that everyone receives the message at the same time.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Event Notifications: Quickly inform students and parents about upcoming dance recitals, start of session, costume fittings, or studio events.
  2. Urgent Updates: Use SMS text messaging for instant communication in the event of last-minute cancellations or schedule changes. This will ensure everyone is informed in real time (no more angry clients saying they never got your email).

How to send bulk/SMS to your dance students

Enhancing Customer Engagement

Text messaging can help connect your dance school with your students and build community and loyalty.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Gather Feedback: Send surveys via SMS to collect valuable feedback on your dance program classes, instructors, or events.
  2. Celebrate Achievements: Send congratulatory texts for student milestones or successes, personalizing the studio’s relationship with its dance community.

By integrating bulk SMS into your dance studio’s marketing strategy, you can improve communication, boost student engagement, and ultimately increase enrollment and retention.

10- Testimonials and online reviews

Dance studio marketing strategies should always include the use of testimonials and online reviews. Encouraging existing dance students to share their positive experiences on your website and social media platforms can have a significant impact.

Read our Guide: How To Get More Reviews For Your Dance Studio

Maximizing Online Reviews

Online platforms such as Yelp, Facebook and Google are prime places where prospective students and parents search for the best dance studios. You’ll want to make your presence seen with positive reviews.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Ask for Reviews: Proactively ask satisfied students and parents to share their experiences online. A simple request can lead to a significant increase in positive reviews.
  2. Use Google My Business: Create a shareable link that makes it easy for clients to leave reviews and enhance your studio’s visibility on Google.

Use Testimonials Effectively

Positive reviews can be turned into powerful testimonials on your Web site or in marketing materials that will further enhance the reputation of your studio.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Showcase Testimonials: Prominently display outstanding reviews on your website and promotional materials to highlight your community’s positive experiences.
  2. Engage with Reviews: Respond to all reviews, whether positive or negative, to demonstrate your studio’s commitment to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.

Leverage End-of-Session Surveys

You can greatly enhance your online reviews by capitalizing on the positive feedback received in end-of-session surveys.

Designing Your Dance Studio Survey in Canva

Actionable Insights:

  1. Personal Follow-ups: Contact those who gave glowing feedback in your end-of-session surveys, thanking them for their praise and gently asking if they would share their testimonial in an online review.
  2. Simplify the Process: Provide direct links to your preferred review platforms in your follow-up communications and make it as easy as possible for satisfied customers to post their reviews.
  3. Show Appreciation: Acknowledge and thank those who take the time to write a review, perhaps with a thank you note or small token of appreciation, to foster a positive and ongoing relationship.

By focusing on collecting and presenting positive testimonials and reviews, dance studios can enhance their reputation, attract new students and increase the loyalty of existing students.

11- Pay Per Click (PPC) Ads

A dance studio website can increase its visibility and attract new students by using pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. PPC is a model in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of their online ads. This allows you to appear on google for targeted keywords relevant to the studio’s offerings, such as “dance studio classes” or “ballet classes for kids.

Implementing PPC Campaigns for your Dance Studio

PPC campaigns can place your dance studio’s website link at the top of search engine results pages. This ensures high visibility to potential students who are actively searching for dance classes.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Keyword Research: Identify and bid on keywords that potential students are likely to use when searching for dance studios in your area, ensuring your ads reach the right audience.
  2. Ad Creation: Create compelling text-based and shopping ads that highlight what makes your studio unique, such as special introductory offers, the variety of dance styles taught, or the qualifications of your instructors.
  3. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review the performance of your PPC ads and adjust your strategies based on which keywords and ad formats are most effective in driving traffic and conversions.

Benefits of PPC for Dance Studios

PPC advertising offers any dance studio website the advantage of immediate visibility, bypassing the time it takes to achieve high organic search rankings, which can be especially beneficial for new studios or those in competitive locations.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Targeted Advertising: Use PPC to specifically target individuals in your geographic area or those searching for the exact dance services you offer, maximizing the relevance of your ads.
  2. Controlled Budget: Set a budget that works for your studio, pay only when someone clicks on your ad, and adjust your spending based on the effectiveness of the campaign.
  3. Measurable Results: Leverage the measurable metrics of PPC to understand exactly how your advertising dollars are being spent.

📌 Pro Tip: Incorporating PPC ads into your dance studio’s marketing strategy provides immediate visibility in front of potential new dancers, drives targeted traffic to your website and ultimately leads to increased studio revenue and growth.

📌 Tip for new dance studio owners: PPC, especially when combined with a new student offer, can be a great way to increase initial enrollment in your studio.

12- Open House and Free Dance Lessons

You can’t talk about the best dance studio marketing strategies without talking about open house events and free dance trials. Both are ideal marketing strategies for attracting prospective students and their families and is a risk-free opportunity to experience the quality and atmosphere of your classes firsthand. It’s free, it’s fun, and it’s for everyone. New dancers get an in-depth look at your studio, meet the instructors and ask any questions they may have.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Class Demos: During the open house, hold short demonstration classes where attendees can participate and get a feel for the different dance styles on offer.
  2. Studio Tours: Highlight any unique features or equipment that sets your studio apart from others by offering tours of your facility.
  3. Special Offers: Encourage attendees to enroll on the spot by offering exclusive discounts or special benefits for new students who enroll during the open house.

📌 Pro Tip: Whenever I have a free trial class or open house, I always make sure to invite current students. It’s a great way to build your community, thank your existing clients, and they help welcome potential new dancers during the events.

📌 Tip for new dance studio owners: Open Houses are a great way to get people to visit your studio for the first time. I highly recommend combining an open house with PPC and flyer distribution to get as many people into your studio as possible and make it the hot spot in town.

13- Kid's Dance Birthday Party

Children’s dance birthday parties offer a unique opportunity to showcase the studio’s facilities, teaching style and vibrant community. Dance studios can create a memorable experience that leaves a lasting impression on all attendees, many of whom may love it enough to sign up for the next session.

Hosting Memorable Birthday Parties

Children’s dance birthday parties are an excellent marketing tool that provides a hands-on introduction to what your studio has to offer.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Party Themes: Tailor parties to different age groups with themes such as ballerina, hip-hop, or disco to make the event exciting and age appropriate.
  2. Strategic Promotion: Promote your birthday party services through a variety of channels, including flyers, your website, and social media platforms. Make sure your current students and the broader community are aware of this service.

Pre-Birthday Targeted Email Campaigns

Dance studio management software like Activity Messenger makes it easy to automate targeted emails six weeks before a child’s birthday. This serves as a timely reminder to parents planning their child’s party and keeps your dance studio top of mind.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Personalized Emails: Use mail merge features to personalize emails with the child’s and parent’s name to add a personal touch to your message.
  2. Special Offers: Include exclusive birthday party packages or discounts in the email to encourage bookings. Highlight the unique features of your studio’s birthday parties.

Party Marketing strategy for Dance Studios

Post-Party Engagement and Marketing

After hosting a birthday party, follow-up marketing to participants can leverage their recent positive experience at your studio to encourage further engagement and potential enrollment in a dance lesson.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Thank You Emails: Send a personalized thank you email to party attendees, expressing gratitude for their participation and sharing photos or highlights from the party, if available.
  2. Special Offers: Include an exclusive offer for party attendees, such as a discount on their first month of classes or a free trial class, to encourage them to join your regular dance programs.


Birthday party workflow

Featuring Birthday Parties in Your Newsletter

Regularly featuring birthday parties in your dance studio’s newsletter can keep this service top-of-mind for your existing clients, potentially sparking interest for future bookings.

By using children’s dance birthday parties as a marketing tool, dance studios can not only provide a fun and engaging service and increase revenue, but also strategically attract new students and grow their community.

Learn how Activity Messenger also helps with children’s party digital waivers, attendance and personnalized invitations.

📌 Pro Tip: When done well, kids parties are not only a great marketing strategy, but can have a big impact on your bottom line. Set strategic times for back-to-back parties and make it as seamless as possible for parents to book. This will ensure that all time slots are booked well in advance, making it as profitable as possible.

📌 Tip for new dance studio owners: Offering discounted parties at the beginning is a great way to not only thank your first customers, but to get them to bring their friends and families and help build a strong dance community around your studio.

14- Using AI (ChatGPT) to market your studio

Using the best tools to run and manage your studio can make your life easier. Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into your dance studio’s marketing strategies can significantly increase efficiency, personalization and engagement.

Here are actionable insights:

AI-Generated Marketing Material

  • AI Writing Assistants: Use AI tools like ChatGPT to generate engaging dance program descriptions and promotional content. Input basic information about your classes, and let the AI provide creative and compelling text
  • Automate Photo Editing: Implement AI-powered photo editing tools such as Canva’ Magic designor Luminar AI to enhancement your marketing materials with minimal effort.

Social Media Marketing

  • Content Generation: Use AI tools to generate social media content ideas. Provide AI with your studio’s themes or upcoming events to get customized content suggestions.
  • Optimal Posting Schedules: Use AI-driven analytics tool to determine the best times to post on social media to increase your content’s reach.

Personalized Email Campaigns

  • Subject Lines: AI can help create email subject lines that boost open rates. Tools like CoSchedule’s Email Subject Line Tester can provide insights into the effectiveness of your subject lines.
  • Segmentation: Use AI to segment your email list based on customer behavior in order to send highly personalized content that resonates with each segment.

Dance studios can effectively incorporate AI into their marketing strategies, leading to more personalized communications, efficient content creation, and ultimately, a stronger connection with potential and current dance students.

Event more Dance Studio Marketing Strategies

Branded Merchandise

Branded merchandise creates visibility and a sense of belonging by turning your students into ambassadors for your dance studio.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Launch seasonal marchandise that aligns with dance recitals to create a buzz around your dance school.
  2. Create a loyalty program where students earn points towards free merchandise for attending classes, participating in events, or referring friends and family

Include Dance Quotes to Inspire

Inspirational dance quotes can uplift your students and remind them why they love to dance (even on the days that are harder for them). They can also serve as a powerful marketing tool when paired with your studio’s branding on merchandise, social media, or in-studio decor.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Dedicate a section of your studio’s newsletter to featuring an inspirational dance quote.
  2. Encourage students to submit their favorite dance quotes to foster a deeper connection to the art of dance.
  3. Hold monthly contests where students can vote on their favorite dance quote to be displayed prominently in the studio.

Local Sponsorship

Getting involved in local events through sponsorship is a great way to get your studio noticed and demonstrate your commitment to the community. Whether it’s a local sports team, a charity event or a school function, your dance studio can gain significant exposure.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Sponsor a local youth sports team and offer free dance lessons to an organization from your community.
  2. Create a scholarship fund for promising local dancers who might not otherwise be able to afford classes, and get your community involved in raising funds.
  3. Sponsor local theater productions or music concerts, to connect your studio with the local cultural community and reach potential students interested in the performing arts.

Google My Business

You can significantly increase your studio’s online visibility with a well-optimized Google My Business (GMB) profile. This free tool allows you to manage how your business appears on Google Maps and in search results. It makes it easier for potential students to find and choose your studio. Click here for a full guide on how to set this up.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Add a virtual tour of your studio to your Google My Business listing to give potential students a feel for your dance studio making them more likely to visit in person.
  2. Use Google My Business’s Q&A feature to proactively answer common questions about your classes, fees, events and studio policies. Use AI to fin the right FAQ’s to focus on for your local market.
  3. Regularly update your Google My Business listing with special offers, like trial classes or early-bird specials, to encourage immediate action from potential students.

Volunteer In Your Community

Volunteering in your community can raise your studio’s profile and build goodwill. Participating in community service projects or local events not only shows your studio’s commitment to the community, but also provides networking opportunities.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Organize a dance event to raise money for a local charity and showcase your students’ talents and your studio’s community involvement.
  2. Offer free dance workshops at community centers or schools to promote your studio to diverse audiences. These can then lead to future marketing opportunities and social media posts.
  3. Participate as a studio team in community clean-up, wearing branded apparel to increase visibility while making a positive impact in your local community. Include random 5 minute dance parties to keep people energized.

Flyers & Print Marketing

Traditional flyers remain an effective tool for reaching new dance students, especially in local neighborhoods. They can be posted in community centers, local businesses, and public bulletin boards, providing broad visibility at a low cost.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Include a QR-Code with a clear call-to-action on your flyers, such as a limited-time offer or free dance program, to prompt immediate interest and engagement.
  2. Partner with local businesses to display your flyers, especially those with a similar target demographic, such as children’s clothing stores or family-friendly businesses.
  3. Use eye-catching designs (with Canva) and compelling imagery on your flyers that align with your website and social media posts to grab attention and create a consistent look across all marketing mediums.

Find Bulletin Boards

Community bulletin boards can be an excellent place to advertise your dance school. These boards offer free advertising space seen by a wide audience, from local supermarkets to libraries.

Actionable Insights:

  1. Include a QR Code that link to  an exclusive discount or free dance classe that can only be redeemed from the bulletin board.
  2. To ensure that your flyers are seen by a wide and relevant audience, coordinate with local events where there is high traffic.
  3. Use bulletin boards in strategic locations, like near schools or family-oriented businesses.

More tools for Dance Studios

This article was focused on how Activity Messenger can you market your dance studio. But the platform can do much more for your dance studio.

Replace tools like Jotform, SurveyMonkey and Mailchimp for your dance studio

Recital ticket sale for Dance Studios
Online waivers for dance
Progress Report for dance students
Job Application Form for Dance
Online Attendance tracking
Best Dance Quotes

Written by Olivier Rousseau Olivier is a kids sports programs owner who has been operating for over a decade with locations in Montreal, Quebec city & Ottawa. He also helps Gymnastics Club, Swim Schools and Dance Studios streamline their operations. He is the co-founder of Activity Messenger an online registration platform for the sports & leisure industry.

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