How to choose the best camp software: 9 features to look for

Olivier Rousseau
14 March 2024 Camps 2 min read

Looking for an alternative to IclassPro, Uplifter or JackRabbit?

You’ve come to the right place. Read more about how Activity Messenger compares to other platforms or what are the 6 best camp management software.

JackRabbit vs IclassPro vs Uplifter vs ActivityMessenger

Are you a smaller camp or just getting started?

A powerful yet simple camp registration form might be the best (and cost-efficient) way to get things started.
Learn more about how to create an online camp registration form and how to improve your registration process.

Key features for Camp Managers

Summer camps face unique challenges as they grow, such as:

Outdated summer camp registration:

Summer camps often face challenges with an outdated camp management software solution, especially on smartphones. This leads to frustration for parents trying to easily register their children or engage with your camp online.

Multiple tools to juggle:

Summer camp directors often rely on a variety of tools like SmartWaiver, Mailchimp, SurveyMonkey, and Jotform to manage their operations, making the process complicated and expensive.

Time-consuming workarounds:

Most camp registration software requires time-consuming manual workarounds for what should be simple processes such as sending bulk SMS, attendance tracking, coordinating staff, and more.

How modern registration software address these issues by:

Make your registration process as easy as ordering UberEats

Modern platforms revolutionize the camp online registration experience. They provide busy parents with a smooth, easy-to-use system that’s as simple as ordering pizza online.

All-in-one summer camp management software solution:

They also combine key features from tools like Mailchimp, SurveyMonkey, Jotform, and SmartWaiver into a single solution. This not only gives you a comprehensive view of camper engagement, reduces costs but also helps you integrate more summer camp marketing strategies in a single platform.

Streamlined workflows instead of cumbersome workarounds:

With the right tool, camps can create customized, automated workflows to manage everything from staff training, annual events to camp attendance and timely reminders without the need for manual human intervention.

If you’re a camp owner looking to potentially switch your camp management solution: Here is a list of the 5 best camp management softwares on the market.

1. Simple registration process for parents

Sorting through camp offerings on an outdated parent portal can be overwhelming, especially on mobile devices.

This challenge inspired us to create Activity Messenger and provide simpler camp registration forms that integrate the complexities of your camps.

Learn more: How to improve your registration process

Online Registration Camp Software

Activity Messenger allows parents to quickly and easily register their children for summer camps (yes, even those tech-averse parents).

Summer Camp Registration Platform

This means more time for you to train and prepare to offer the best summer camp ever.

Try our Camp registration form template

Want to see how it works? Book a demo with one of our camp experts.


📌 Pro Tip: I have created a registration path based on the most common questions we hear from parents for our summer camp registration process. Together with my team, we write down all the questions parents tend to ask during a phone registration. These questions are then the basis for the design of a personalized enrollment process that is perfectly tailored to the specific needs of our organization.

2. Improve communications with campers and families

Have you ever received an email or sms that addresses you by name and updates you on your recent interaction with a local company?

We strive to bring that personal touch to your camp management solution.

Our advanced personalization tool allows you to include key information in every touchpoint such as:

  • Camper’s name,
  • Specific camp program they’re enrolled in,
  • Camper’s group
  • Start date and time
  • Engaging details about what they’ll experience on their next camp adventure.

How Summer Camps Improve communications with campers and families

With more than 80 mail merge fields at your disposal and the ability to create custom fields, you can send messages to multiple campers that feel like they were personally crafted just for them.

Plus, our integration with Canva ensures that all of your camp manager’s communications are not only personalized, but that they are also visually consistent with your camp’s branding.

📌 Pro Tip: Automated camp reminders have revolutionized the camp experience for everyone involved. We configure all automated email reminders before the first camper registers. By scheduling reminders to go out a few days before a camp begins, we ensure that each family receives timely information.

Liability Waivers for Summer Camps

If you’re struggling to manage separate tools like SmartWaiver and have trouble getting waivers signed independently of your camp software, it may be time for a change.

While general online form builders like Cognito Forms, SmartWaivers, and Jotform offer some convenience, they often don’t fully address the specific needs of summer camps.

Liability waivers for Summer Camps

Activity Messenger streamlines the process for your camp manager by making it easy to collect digital waivers without requiring an account creation by the parent.

Attendance Tracking for camps

As parents register their children to camp, Activity Messenger efficiently organizes attendance lists for when camp starts. This ensures that attendance records are updated instantly and your camp manager and counselors are aware of any changes in real time.

Camp attendance tracking

Access Control for Staff: Set different levels of access to sensitive information. Ensure that every camp counselor see only the details relevant to their assigned groups.

Efficient Check-in/Out Processes: Design accurate check-in and check-out systems to minimize errors. Activity Messenger supports quick adjustments for attendance discrepancies and automatically timestamps each check-in.

Data-Driven Insights: Use timestamp data to analyze attendance patterns, identify issues such as regular absenteeism, and improve communication with parents and your camp counselor, especially regarding late pick-ups in accordance with camp policies.

Checking campers in and out

Notes and Groups: Enable camp counselors to add notes to sign-in sheets for real-time updates on camper behavior or performance. This improves communication within the team and with parents. Flexible grouping allows for effective organization of campers by activity or age from your attendance list.

Targeted Communication: You camp manager can sSend mass SMS or email from the attendance list for timely updates or reminders, using templates for consistent, professional, and personalized outreach to your community.

Send bulk SMS from camp attendant list

Summer Camp Medical Forms

Creating an online camp medical form is a critical step in efficiently collecting essential health information from your campers.

Start by collecting basic camper information, such as name and date of birth, and use existing enrollment data to pre-populate your form.

Organize your form into logical sections, such as allergies and medications, and use standardization tools, such as drop-down menus, for ease of use and clarity.

Camp medical form

Enhance Emergency Preparedness

Ensure your form includes comprehensive contact information fields and legal consent sections to meet safety and legal standards.

Activity Messenger allows for document uploads to further centralizes vital health information, making it accessible when it matters most. This level of preparedness is crucial for quick responses from camp counsellors and camp directors in emergency situations.

Medical Data Management

Camp Software data management allows for quick sorting of campers by health criteria, ensuring all necessary medical information is at hand for camp managers.

This contributes significantly to the overall safety and well-being of campers, and allows for quick and targeted medical response by your camp diretors should something happen during camp.

Filter medical camp data

Waitlist Management for Camps

Camp Waitlist Management is critical to effectively managing enrollments and ensuring that no available space goes unfilled. It simplifies the process of automatically moving campers from waitlisted to active, eliminating manual intervention and making camp management more efficient.

Waitlist Management for Camps

Personalized Communication with Activity Messenger

Activity Messenger enhances waitlist management by providing the ability to send automated, personalized text message notifications. When a spot becomes available, the system immediately alerts parents with a customized message that includes the camper’s name, specific details about the camp, and how much time they have to register before the spot is offered to another family.

SMS reminders for camp waitlist

Streamlined Enrollment Process

This personalized and automated approach not only improves the parent experience by providing immediate notifications, it also accelerates the process of filling open spots. With Activity Messenger, all aspects of waitlist management and communication are centralized.

📌 Pro Tip: To ensure that parents receive notifications that a spot has been opened, SMS/texting functionality is critical. Too often, emails are missed or read later, perhaps outside of the allowed registration period for your waitlist. This can result in many parents feeling like they never got the message or that the time period was too short considering they missed the email.

Automated tasks for camps

Automating camp communications can be a game changer for camp directors. So much work and information goes into preparing for camp, and parents need multiple touch points before, during, and after camp to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Welcome emails for camps

Automate the process of sending a welcome email 5-7 days before the start of camp.

Include all the important details:

For every family in your camps, the system will automatically send it at the appropriate time with the correct information.

Camp Welcome Email Template

End-of-camp reminders:

When camp ends, your inbox can be overwhelmed with requests. Sending an automated end-of-camp email that includes a satisfaction survey not only saves time, but also helps gather important feedback from campers.

Including a link in this email to encourage people to sign up for the upcoming weeks of camp can further increase your camp’s revenue and ensure a seamless transition for families interested in continuing their summer with you.

Purchase confirmation:

Go above and beyond with your purchase confirmation emails. Personalize your communication by including an invoice, FAQs, and engaging information about what families can expect after having registered to your camp.

Learn more about creating effective confirmation emails.

📌 Pro Tip: Remember, automation doesn’t mean a loss of personal connection. In fact, it frees up your time to engage with your community and families in more impactful ways. When we implemented these automated processes at our camp, our operational efficiency skyrocketed, allowing our team to focus more on creating exceptional experiences for all campers.

Marketing tools for Summer Camps

Email Marketing (say goodbye to MailChimp):

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all email marketing tools. Your camp needs an email platform that adds a personal touch to each newsletter, making each communication engaging and meaningful.

And unlike MailChimp, we don’t charge extra as your list grows.

Summer Camp email marketing

Activity Messenger also fully integrates with Canva and ChatGpt making your email marketing quicker and easier to stay on brand.

📌 Pro Tip: Switching from MailChimp was a game changer for us. The idea of paying more for a tool that we would only use monthly as our business grew didn’t make sense. Now, with Activity Messenger, we have an all-in-one marketing platform built wth the summer camp industry in mind.

Staff Management for Camp Directors

Streamlining the onboarding process with a cam counselor portal greatly improves the efficiency of integrating new summer camp staff. Activity Messenger’s camp management software solution allows administrators to tailor the portal to the camp’s operational needs.

Create a Customizable Staff Portal

Customizable Staff Portal

  • First Impressions Matter: Use Activity Messenger to customize the employee portal with your camp’s branding.
  • Essential Information: Organize staff handbooks and training materials for easy access, ensuring a smooth start for new camp counselors.

Mobile-Friendly Forms

  • Accessibility: Design forms that are easy to complete on smartphones, accommodating the preferences of younger, tech-savvy Gen-Z staff
  • Eco-Friendly Onboarding: Move to digital paperwork to speed up the process and reduce environmental impact.

Centralized Document Management

  • Compliance and Security: Securely store all submitted documents in the employee’s profile, simplifying compliance and protecting sensitive information.
  • Efficient Retrieval: Easily access any document digitally, eliminating the need for physical file storage.

How Activity Messenger Stands Out

A New Era in Summer Camp Registration

Activity Messenger isn’t just another platform in the summer camp management software landscape.

It not only offers the standard functionalities you’d expect but elevates the experience by integrating with your preferred tools such as Canva, ChatGPT, and Stripe.

We also remove the challenges of using multiple platforms like SurveyMonkey, MailChimp, SmartWaiver and JotForm by integrating the same functionalities in our platform.

Discover what sets Activity Messenger apart by exploring an in-depth comparison of the top summer camp management software.

Book a demo with us today!

Once ready to switch over, our onboarding team, consisting of seasoned professionals from the sports and leisure industry (that have actually ran summer camps and used our product as operators), is here to support you throughout the migration process.


  1. What is a camp management software platform? A camp management solution is a digital tool designed to streamline the administrative and operational aspects of running a camp for your camp manager, including registration, scheduling, communication, and payment processing.
  2. How can camp management software improve camp operations? It can help a camp manager automate administrative tasks, improve communication with campers and parents, facilitate scheduling and registration, and provide insight through reporting and analytics.
  3. What features are essential in camp management software? Key features include online registration, payment processing, task automation tools, email and SMS communication to parents, attendance tracking, and reporting capabilities.
  4. Is camp management software suitable for all types of camps? Yes, most platforms are versatile and can be customized for different types of camps, from day camps to residential, specialty, and educational camps.
  5. Can camp management software integrate with other tools and platforms? Many camp management solutions offer integration capabilities with email platforms, social media and other digital tools to streamline operations.
  6. What should camps consider when choosing a management software platform? Consider the camp management solution’s ease of use, customization options, specific features relevant to your camp’s needs, quality of customer support, and pricing structure.
  7. How does camp management software facilitate communication with parents and campers? Camp management software can facilitate communication through integrated email, SMS and parent portals that provide timely updates, newsletters and access to important information and documents.

Written by Olivier Rousseau Olivier is a kids sports programs owner who has been operating for over a decade with locations in Montreal, Quebec city & Ottawa. He also helps Gymnastics Club, Swim Schools and Dance Studios streamline their operations. He is the co-founder of Activity Messenger an online registration platform for the sports & leisure industry.

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