14 Essential features for managing a gymnastics clubs

Olivier Rousseau
20 October 2023 Gymnastics 2 min read

Looking for an alternative to JackRabbit, IClassPro, Amilia or Uplifter?

JackRabbit vs IClassPro vs Activity Messenger (In-Depth Comparison)

You’ve come to the right place.

Here are a few related articles that might interest you:
How Activity Messenger compares to other gymnastics class management software
In-depth review the 6 best gymnastics class management software on the market
Why we think Gymnastics Class Management Software is Broken


Are you a smaller gymnastics club or just getting started?

A simple gymnastics registration form might be the best way to get things started.
Learn more about how to create a gymnastics registration form.

Note about the Author: Throughout the article, Olivier shares tips and tricks he’s picked up over the last decade running a multi-location children’s activity program & as co-founder of Activity Messenger, helping hundreds of gymnastics club owners in Canada and the United States create a more intuitive registration process and personalize communications.

1- Intuitive registration process

When helping clients find a class, you ask questions like:

  • Which program?
  • Child’s age?
  • Preferred day?
  • Skill level?
  • Location?

These questions quickly lead to the right option. Current software often leaves customers lost in endless class options, especially on smartphones. Some find their way, others ask for help, but many just leave.

We built Activity Messenger to solve this. Our gymnastics registration forms mimic the personal touch of a call, making enrollment quick and easy for parents.



Looking to get started quickly?
Learn more on how you can setup a gymnastics registration form in minutes and start collecting registrations today.

2- Personalized communications

Ever receive an email that addresses you by name and reflects your recent brand interactions?

That’s the level of personalization you should expect from your gymnastics club software.

With our mail merge feature, you can include important details such as student name, class name, start date and time, last class date, and upcoming sessions.

With over 80 Mailmerge fields (and the option to create your own), you can send a single outreach to hundreds of participants that feels personally crafted for each of them. And with our Canva integration, all outreach from your gymnastics club is customized to your brand.


📌 Pro tip: We create personalized start-of-session reminder at the same time we create our class schedule and set your registration dates. So even before we receive any registrations, all the automated email reminders are set up. This helps ensure deliverability and makes sure they are sent a few days before a session starts without any actions on your end.

3- Membership. Management

Activity Messenger is also a member management software that allows you to create various gymnastics membership or affiliations that may be required for your local gymnastics club.

Activity Messenger is also an official partner of Gymnastics BC, Alberta Gymnactics, and Gymnastics Quebec.

Class or program-specific memberships

You can offer memberships tailored to particular classes, events or even requirements from your gymnastics federation. Whether it’s an affiliation for your recreational classes or a different one for your competitive athletes, you can easily customize the form for each program type, class, or event.

One-Stop Registration for Programming & Memberships

The right member management software allows athletes to register for classes and purchase an affiliation in a single checkout drastically enhances the user experience.

It reduces the steps they have to go through and the platforms they have to navigate, thereby reducing friction and abandonment rates.

📌 Note: By adding the affiliation or membership to all your programs and classes, you can be assured that people will have their membership in order if they complete a registration at your gymnastics club.

4- Liability waivers with digital signatures

If you’re still using tools like SmartWaiver or can’t get waivers signed outside of your Gymnastics club management software, it might be time to look for an alternative.

While generic online form builders like Cognito Forms, Smartwaivers, and Jotform offer some relief, they fall short in providing a seamless solution that specifically addresses the needs of your gymnastics club.

The ability to collect digital waivers without needing to create an account helps simplify the process for your free trials, events and birthday party guests.

You can also send digital waivers via SMS or automate a reminder to people who have not signed the waiver yet.

Book a demo to learn how to create digital waivers for your gymnastics club.

5- Flexible payment options (payment plans)

Offering payment plans

Offering payment plans removes a significant barrier to entry for many families. By allowing families to pay in installments, you’re broadening your customer base to include those who might otherwise consider your services out of their financial reach.


Payment Customization

Gymnastics Software like Activity Messenger allows you to customize payment plans – monthly or weekly, percentage or flat rate. Fine-tune initial payments and more. You’re not stuck with a one-size-fits-all approach; tailor a plan that works for your business.

Payment Automation

The invoices are automatically generated, payments are collected on time, and customers are notified without you lifting a finger. This not only saves you time but also eliminates the potential for human error.

Prorata options

Prorating tuition adjusts the cost of classes for late registrants so that they only pay for the remaining classes.

To determine the prorated cost, divide the total session cost by the number of classes, then multiply by the number of classes the late registrant will attend.

Example of prorated tuition for a class

In-Depth Financial Reporting

Finally, with automated payment plans, you also get the benefit of easy tracking and reporting. This data is invaluable for understanding your business metrics better and making more informed decisions.

6- Booking & Private lessons for Gymnastics

Managing a gymnastics club means juggling private lessons. Most gymnastics software has a cumbersome process that leads to inefficiencies and missed opportunities.

Private Lesson Booking

Real-time availability and automatic calendar updates eliminate back-and-forth emails and phone calls, saving everyone time and reducing scheduling errors. Payment processing is also simplified; customers can pay online at the time of booking, which not only ensures immediate revenue, but also reduces administrative burden.

Customizable booking forms

Customizable booking forms allow you to capture specific information about each gymnast’s needs, ensuring that instructors are well-prepared for each session. Plus, automated reminders keep everyone (coach, parents and you) on the same page, drastically reducing no-shows.

Gymnastics Software doesn’t just streamline this time-consuming task. It improves the entire private booking flow of your gymnastics club.

7- Online Event ticket sales

In addition to the training of gymnasts, you must also manage events, whether competitions, fundraisers, or showcases.

With Activity Messenger, you can set up event ticketing forms that sell tickets. Most of the gymnastics club management software require you to use another software solution such as EventBrite for you to be able to sell tickets.

Need to make last-minute changes or send reminders? No problem.

With just a few clicks, you can reach everyone and keep communication seamless.

Learn how Flip City gymnastics club increased sales using Activity Messenger for their provincial competitions.

“I really think Activity Messenger is the only way to go. For the ease of use and the time saved. But also the fact that the staff & volunteer training requirements are so minimal. Purchasing tickets using the phones and the QR code was a game changer. We have many people buying tickets at the same time instead of a lineup of people waiting for their turn”

Read the full Case study.

8- Financial reporting

Financial reporting helps in tracking both revenue and expenses, enabling smart resource allocation and long-term sustainability of your gymnastics club.

Centralized Finance Hub: Activity Messenger consolidates all financial data—class fees, merchandise, events, memberships and donations—into one platform. No more juggling spreadsheets; it’s efficient and error-free.

Revenue Tracking: Our gymnastics software give you a detailed look at revenue sources, from class fees to promotions, helping you make data-driven decisions to boost financial performance.

Visual Reports: Forget overwhelming spreadsheets; our visual reports offer a quick, intuitive look at your gymnastics club’s financial health.

Custom Reports: Tailor reports to focus on metrics that matter to you, whether it’s class profitability, monthly event revenue, or expense categories.

9- Skill Tracking & Certificates

Skill tracking is critical for gymnastics clubs to measure athlete progress. Coaches can identify strengths and areas for improvement to target optimal training needs.

A data-driven approach not only improves performance but also motivates athletes by providing a visible record of their growth.

Simplified Skill Tracking

Activity Messenger provides an easy-to-use interface where coaches can categorize skills by level, apparatus, or other criteria relevant to your gymnastics program.

Real-Time Monitoring and Notifications

The skill tracking and evaluation feature in Activity Messenger eliminates the need for cumbersome spreadsheets and manual logs. Coaches and administrators can easily enter skill data into your gymnastics management software

Customizable Certificates

When a gymnast reaches a milestone or level, a custom certificate can be automatically generated. You can design these certificates (using our canva integration) to match your gymnastics club’s branding.

These certificates can be printed or sent digitally via email or text, making it convenient for everyone involved.

10- End of Session Survey For gymnastics

Why Gymnastics Clubs Should Conduct End-of-Session Surveys

The first rule of any successful gymnastics club? Knowing your customers. A well-designed survey can provide insights into what your gymnasts love and where you need to up your game. How is your staff’s performance? Are the class structures meeting expectations? This kind of feedback is invaluable for you to keep improving the management of your gymnastics club.

Quick and Easy Setup

Activity Messenger makes survey creation easy. Whether you’re using one of our templates or converting an existing survey, our Canva integration allows you to add a personalized touch. Share the link and start gathering invaluable insights, all in a matter of minutes.

Make Proactive Changes

These insights aren’t just numbers; they’re a roadmap to improving your customers experience. Automate survey delivery based on session end dates and let Activity Messenger or your Gymnastics Software do the rest.

11- Task Automation built for Gymnastics

A huge chunk of your day is spent managing administrative tasks that seem to multiply like gremlins – especially if you’re still doing them manually.

Now imagine taking back 15-20 hours each month.

How do you get that chunk of your life back?

By automating tasks that no one has time for.

Let’s break down the top 4 tasks that most gyms could easily automate.

  1. Start of Session Reminders:  Send an automated email 5-7 days before the session starts with all the essentials: location, time, date, and the all-important ‘what to bring’ list. You can create a single template (with Mailmerge) for all your classes and your gymnastics software will automatically send it out at the right time with the right information to every family registered in your gymnastics club.
  2. End of Session Reminders: The session is about to end, and you know that your inbox is about to become a FAQ center. An automated end-of-session email with a built-in satisfaction survey does two things: it saves you time and it gets you the feedback you need to keep improving.
  3. Purchase Confirmation Automation: Are you still sending a generic confirmation email when a customer signs up? Let’s personalize it. Include an invoice, FAQs, and maybe a blog post or two about what to expect in the upcoming session. Learn more on what to include in a gymnastics software purchase confirmation email
  4. Waitlist Management for Gymnastics Classes: Maximize enrollment for your gymnastics club by automating your waitlist process. Activity Messenger facilitates seamless operations, sending automated, personalized Email/SMS notifications the moment a spot in a class opens up.


Automation doesn’t mean you’re removing personal touch. On the contrary, it gives you more time to engage with your gymnastics community in meaningful ways. The right gymnastics management software can help your streamline these tasks.

12- Marketing tools for your Gymnastics Club

1. Email Marketing (Mailchimp Replacement): Say goodbye to the days of struggling with email marketing tools that lack the personal touch that gymnastics clubs need. We understand that your newsletters need to be engaging experiences that reflect your gymnastics club’s unique brand and personality.

2.Party Marketing Automation:

If your club is also the coolest birthday party spot, you can’t afford to sleep on this. Automate a party birthday marketing email that triggers a few weeks before the DOB of your participants. It’s timely, it’s thoughtful, and it brings in extra revenue. It’s a win-win-win!


3. Drip Campaigns: Building strong customer relationships with your gymnasts is key to success, and that’s where drip campaigns come in. A modern gymnastics club management software allows you to set up drip campaigns that nurture leads. Whether it’s a series of emails introducing your services or sharing enticing offers, our platform keeps your audience engaged and ready to convert.

4. Free Trial Workflow: Getting new potential gymnasts and families on board and making sure they have a smooth free trial experience is critical. With Activity Messenger, you can create an enjoyable first experience at your club with the right automated communications.


13. Attendance tracking

Keeping track of class attendance at your gymnastics club shouldn’t feel like an acrobatic feat.

How to Track Attendance at my Gymnastics Club

Activity Messenger offers solutions to streamline the process:

  • Simplify attendance tracking from a smartphone: With real-time updates, you’ll know who’s present, absent or late for each session.
  • Give staff access to attendance lists: Allow instructors to manage attendance with customizable access to different lists.
  • Check gymnasts in and out of class: Use a simple scan or tap to mark gymnasts in and out of class for easy attendance tracking.
  • Add notes to your attendance lists: Record individual progress, special needs, or upcoming adjustments right from your phone.
  • Send SMS from attendance list: Update students or parents with text messages sent directly from the attendance list for quick reminders or schedule changes.
  • Complete Progress Reports from your Attendance List: Activity Messenger makes it easy to fill out progress reports directly from the attendance list.

14. Staff Management for Gymnastics Club

Ensuring that your coaches are motivated and ready to inspire the next generation of gymnasts requires careful attention to every facet of personnel management.

Activity Messenger facilitates this:

  • Creating a Gymnastics Instructor Portal: Provide your team with a unified platform for all your staff management needs.
  • Payroll Information: Make the payroll process smoother with efficient data collection.
  • Leave Request Management: Handle time-off requests effortlessly with a simple request form.
  • Timesheet Management: Integrate an  intuitive system to accurately monitor hours worked by coaches.
  • Document Signing: Streamline the signing process for essential documents with secure digital signatures.
  • Expense Claims: Simplify the process for instructors to submit expense claims, ensuring quicker reimbursement.

Activity Messenger's 3 key differentiators

3 problems most gymnastics club experience as their business grows

  1. Hard for clients to quickly find their class using an outdated gymnastics class management software (especially on mobile)
  2. Need to manage (and pay) for all the extra tools required to run your business (Mailchimp, SurveyMonkey, EventBrite, Jotform etc)
  3. Inability to automate increasingly complex business workflows (Party booking, End-of-session reminders, Staff onboarding, etc)

How Activity Messenger fixes this

  1. Create a registration path that leads people exactly as you would if you were taking their registration over the phone.
  2. Replace Mailchimp, Survey Monkey, Jotform & Eventbrite to get a 360 view of your clients (& save money).
  3. Create customized & automated workflows for staff onboarding, events, party booking, and much more.

📌 Note: I’ve been running kids sports programs for over a decade now. I remember the gold rush to find the right registration software. And many of these older registration software were great at the time. Over the years, I realized that the focus has shifted. When looking for a new registration software, the focus should be on whether it can help your client find a class quickly, optimize the mobile experience, and personalize and automate communication with parents and gymnasts.

How Activity Messenger compares to other platforms

A New Approach to Gymnastics Club Management

Activity Messenger is not just another Gymnastics Club software. While it offers all of the same features as older Gymnastics Software like JackRabbit and IclassPro, it also fully integrates all of your favourite tools, like CanvaChatGPTZoom and Stripe.

And because we’ve been there, we know you’re tired of supplementing your gymnastics software with other tools like SurveyMonkeyMailChimp, JotFormEventBrite and SmartWaiver.

So we built tools to replace them and provide a complete solution for all your needs.

To see how Activity Messenger compares to Activity Messenger, read an in-depth comparison article on the 5 best gymnastics software on the market. 

Book a demo with us today!

If you are ready to switch to Activity Messenger, our onboarding team (all sports and leisure past operators) will help with the migration.


What is  a Gymnastics Club Management Software?

Gymnastics Club Management Software is a tool that helps gymnastics clubs streamline scheduling, communication, staff management and online registration processes for their parents and gymnasts. It allows you to manage all administrative tasks in a single tool.

Why use Gymnastics Club Management Software?

Gymnastic Club management software is essential because it helps manage your club effectively by overcoming the challenges of collecting data, processing payments and communicating with gymnasts, all of which would have to be done manually and take up a lot of your time. By using a registration software, you can free up time to focus on more important things, like managing and providing efficient solutions.

How does Gymnastics Club Management Software facilitate effective communication?

Gymnastics Management Software allows for seamless communication between coaches, squad members, and parents through features like bulk SMS, Newsletters and automated messaging based on the gymnast’s profile.

How does gymnastics club management software simplify online registration?

An online registration software simplifies online registration by streamlining the process, handling payments, and capturing important participant information, making it convenient for gymnasts and their parents to find the right class for the participant.

Written by Olivier Rousseau Olivier is a kids sports programs owner who has been operating for over a decade with locations in Montreal, Quebec city & Ottawa. He also helps Gymnastics Club, Swim Schools and Dance Studios streamline their operations. He is the co-founder of Activity Messenger an online registration platform for the sports & leisure industry.

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